The hardest thing most investors have to learn is recognising the point when is enough..enough. Extremely difficult watching ones selections behaving badly. I have been following (and buying) this down for years and recently bought at 58 but my avg buy is decidedly sick looking. The only savings grace has been the dividend. I'm hanging on because every other (well most of them) that I've bailed out of, have subsequently arisen, eventually, lazaras like and if I had only held on or better, bought more, then would have turned a sick puppy into a Crufts ribbon participant. Not any easy thing selling for a loss and its no better holding and looking at a loss...only marginally better if one has an optimistic view. Luckily I have a sunny disposition I'm sure you aren't the only one BP who has lost faith. If I was smarter I would be joining you but then I never was very my Dad used to say when he despaired of my are more stubborn than my grandfathers pig!!!!
Quote Originally Posted by BlackPeter View Post
Had earlier this week another look into TeamTalk and did as well the Altmann-Z Analysis. Last time I checked 0.27 (based on the 2015HY results) is not a good rating (down from 0.41 in the last Full Year results).

So I guess - they obviously can be lucky and make from now on lots of money - and I certainly hope that things will improve for TTK. Personally I decided however that for me the potential gains are not a fair reward for the risks we currently take with this stock ... and there was a time when I had more trust in the company management (probably unjustified) than what I have now.

In hindsight: should never have bought ... or at least sold latest at the time when David Ware distributed his newsletter describing their team building exercises (night long poker sessions combined with the consumption of spiritual drinks).

I sure hope I learned a lot from this exercise (holding TTK) - it was certainly not cheap.

Good luck to all holders - and I wouldn't be surprised if the share price now starts to climb (happened before when I sold out SML , but only for a short time ).

Discl: Fresh Ex-holder ... and this stock is responsible for by far the largest single loss I took that far in my investment career
Maybe I should try to convince IRD that I purchased TTK with the intention to make a capital gain?