strat-Wow Shrewdy you are really taking this TA thing on board. Dont let Tricha find out

May I ask what stats you are using for your TA analisis in the housing market?
I am deadly serious about TA, but I have not done anything about it yet...
Im speaking pure off the top of my head and I have no stats to go from for the housing market, or any other market... im using a good dose of intuition only... it pretty much just flows straight out..
All my posts are based on this style...

It does not make sense buying a house now given that the housing market has fallen for only 6 months after the biggest bull market of all time...
The market willnot go straight down, there will be waves...
An interest rate cut, will cause some people go out an buy a house (usually the most desperate ones).... once that wave is churned through, the sell off continues until the next wave of good news with a short rally...

Im studying TA in November...
I follow pure sentiment, and intuition...
Im buying late next year, or early 2010...(at this stage, I will address the situation early next year)

any advice is greatly appreciated.. I do not accept advice such as its never a better time to buy than now...Or buy a house at any time, I am not a housing businessman....
I can time an entry into the market better than a bull can, because they are biased and are therefore short sighted....
Other advice would kindly be greatful....

What are the most important things I should look for when buying my first house?
