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Thread: IPH Ltd

  1. #1
    Veteran novice
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    Default IPH Ltd

    Anyone else holding IPH?

    I bought a few recently on news that they had bought one of NZ's leading intellectual property/patent attorney firms AJ Park. IPH listed in Australia in 2014 and claims to be Asia/Pacific's leading IP services group.
    Last edited by macduffy; 09-11-2017 at 04:36 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    I had them for a while as they were (and still are) a Motley Fool Dividend Investor pick, but sold them when it was clear they were heading down. They've recently come up off their low since the new acquisition. The big concern with them was that they part-fund their acquisitions by putting partners shares in escrow and there was a big chunk coming out of escrow which the partners seemed to sell which acted to really suppress the share price. Maybe they'll improve now some of the big blocks are out of the way.


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