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  1. #501
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    well, that was an interesting day!
    very good report i must say.
    what i did find brilliant is the name for the new dental probotic.
    M18 is a blilliant name for it.
    what with the americans facination for guns etc....... re the M series of weapons.
    and kids love their toy guns and action heros, but hate brushing their teeth.
    and since kids will be the biggest winners from this product, i can just see them getting into M18 toothpaste.
    "" colgate M18" in a camo tube, kids will brush all the time because it will be cool, the parents will say "thank god" and every brand of toothpaste will have to add M18 and market it to stay with the times.
    finally some clever thinking.
    i still cringe when i think back to the original K12 ads with cartoon ribinna men bouncing around the place.......... """ yes please i need that""

    M18 fang guard for the macro warrior......


  2. #502
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    Scamper, you say don't get too excited? I'm not sure that is possible. There was some seriously good news in the press release and the presentation.

    1. Most importantly in my mind was the news that M18 is on the go, AND that they have already sold some of it to a manufacturer. K12 is a great product, but has struggled for market definition from the beginning. M18 won't have that problem and the potential dental caries market is surely huge. I hadn't been expecting Mia to get off the blocks for some time.

    2. The doubled sales in NZ shows that the market will respond to marketing. (Once again, though, no detail at all given on just how consumers are to be lured to this product, which seems a central point now.)

    3. Repeat business in US. That's great news. A very short time to already be getting repeat orders, a good sign.

    4. The fifth largest retailer in the US is taking up K12 (and M18 later you must imagine). That can't be bad news.

    5. Another Nestle sized deal signed up, but no detail.

    6. After GRAS, 'K12 [could be] in a variety of mainstream foods'. Wow, that's wider than yoghurt. But anyway, "Progress with yoghurt and food applications".

    7. Sounds like the Canadians have come to Blis perhaps, so reputation is spreading.

    8. So many of the dates are very near-term.

    9. Confirmation of sales into Japan (pop 130m, nearly half the US in size), distributing over coming months.

    10. "An Asia-wide business development strategy is in place"

    11. Work progressing for toothpaste and beverages. No detail of how, but if you look up micro-encapsulation, it seems to be a working technology now, and I presume that is where they must be going?

    12. "periods of positive cash flow - yet to break-even each month" - looking very good for the half year result then?

    13. "US sales still in the “building phase” - process takes 1-1.5 yrs" - well, the first US product launched 8 months ago I think, so well into progress.

    14. "Many other developments by Frutarom in Asia".

    15. "NZPR Group submitting New Resource approval in China" - that seems ahead of schedule.

    16. "Regulatory approval is being sought in Indonesia, Malaysia and Taiwan" - That's a lot of people

    17. "To ensure a product pipeline, BLIS will soon need to undertake further strategic developments" - okay, more cash, but there must be something there they like the look of. They only just launched M18, for goodness sakes.

    18. "Focusing on sales in Nth America and Asia" - Oh, okay, only two thirds of the world then.

    19. "Our customers have launched 6 SKUs since end 08 and we anticipate another 6-10 new SKUs by end 09 fy" - This thing just keeps going and going.

    20. "Building the Global Ingredient brand for BLIS K12 and BLIS M18" - already a bigger target

    21. "In discussion with major food company" - in progress already.

    I said a while ago that the folks in Dunedin are well ahead of us, but this verges on the incredible from where I'm sitting.
    Last edited by simla; 31-07-2009 at 06:33 PM.

  3. #503
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    I think we all expected postive news. But this has exceeded our expectations

  4. #504
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  5. #505
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    Looking into M18 (last week's presentation stated "launch of M18 (previously MIA) "), Blis made this press release in 2007: , including the following:

    "What makes MIA unique; however, is that this new strain has been shown to be very effective in protecting teeth from dental plaque, which is known to be a major contributor to tooth decay . We believe the new MIA probiotic can be used to suppress levels of Streptococcus mutans, the principal cause of dental plaques. Streptococcus mutans converts dietary refined sugar to lactic acid. The lactic acid, in turn, erodes the mineral in enamel and dentin, which weakens the tooth resulting in tooth decay.

    And, "According to the World Health Organization, tooth decay is the most prevalent infectious disease, affecting approximately 5 billion people. "

    M18 may be a combination of at least Mia and K12 to judge by the patent, which I take to be , but frankly patents are a bit dense for my preferred reading. Does anyone else want to give us a run down on the Mia science? However, "very effective in protecting teeth from dental plaque" sounds promising.

    Meanwhile, the sudden appearance of M18 on the market raises the question of what else Blis might be up to. One easy starting point is their website, in particular their own stated pipeline:

    Also, in the above 2007 press release, the background of the company stated : "The company has acquired the rights to the collection of an extensive range of BLIS producing organisms and is developing new products for use in the control of undesirable bacterial infections which includes dental caries control, the prevention and treatment of ear and throat infections, bovine mastitis, and skin infections."
    Last edited by simla; 02-08-2009 at 08:19 AM.

  6. #506
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    Everyone's gone quiet again. No wonder. With that news, the future for Blis has changed. All previous comments and speculations are now superceded, and we must see how it plays out. In the meantime, the share price next week could be interesting to watch.

  7. #507
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Price is firming nicely this morning. I'd much rather it soaked upwards over a week or 2 to ensure sustainability.

    The M18 product looks really exciting-if it did become a standard ingredient for toothpaste the sky's the limit. At this stage there is nothing to suggest it won't.

    Hang on folks and enjoy the ride!

  8. #508
    Join Date
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    Default Some other Blis info from the AGM

    Not sure if these bits have been mentioned

    A major Japanese health chain is now taking finished product (lozenge) for their shops

    Taiwan is expected to follow soon.

    There is another $150,000 of Government funding this year

    Breakeven is about twice current revenue

    NZ is double last year, Aussie is still weak

    Ireland is very slow, phamacies there are being hammered

    The number of products in the US market is expected to double before financial year end

    My impression was that there are so many irons in the fire now that it is a question of how long it will be before sales skyrocket rather than if....

    If my fingers and toes had not been burnt before by "sure bet" biotechs I'd be buying a truckload rather than the few i've got...

  9. #509
    Join Date
    May 2009


    I can see where your coming from Arthur, but hard as I look, I can't see a downside to Blis below about 20c at the moment.

    This is a company that has done the hard yards and is now at the point of capitalising on sound R&D and more latterly good management.

    In the next few days I would expect some to be jumping ship as they have probably hung on for an upswing, but if you've got the time & patience for an awakening sleeper this has got to be it.

    Disappointing though that the "Herald" hasn't reported on anything.

    One thing I think would be beneficial is more regular market updates from management as there has obviously (now) been plenty going on.

  10. #510
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    I must say that I am amazed that people are selliing at these prices. If people own shares currently then they must have brought into the potenital for BLT. And if you beleived in the potential then you would think that 8 cents a share on 138m shares issued is a fire sale bargin.

    For me personally I may consider taking some (only some) profits at 20 cents but no lower.

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