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  1. #11
    Veteran novice
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    Five stars from me too. The old thread was the best of the oilers IMHO. May the new one thrive!

  2. #12
    Senior Member Serpie's Avatar
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    Christchurch, , New Zealand.

    Post Cobra

    I just can't see it being drilled this year SC.
    We're in August now and I believe that if it was going to be before Christmas then we'd have more details by now.
    The quarterly said they were still in discussion with potential drill contractors, and that one hadn't been selected yet.
    It has to be drilled by December 2008, so I'd be happy with Q1 2008.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2004


    And another 5. I've held NWE for a while thanks to you Shrewdy and I've just sold my BHP to buy more NWE at these prices. No pressure - the decision is all mine, but your posts are appreciated.

  4. #14
    Guru Crypto Crude's Avatar
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    thanx HC, Macd, IT...
    when I first got into NWE it looked unbelieveable...
    so I put 80% of my wealth on it, which I never had done before...(and I disclosed that fact) and everything else I did, I did end up selling down a few to buy into TEX at one stage...
    the fundamentals have changed since I first got in and NWE looks just as attractive now as it did back then...

    This company has changed, and here are the major changes that have occured since I have held back when SP was below 20cents...

    -SW puffin upgrades, and market waking up to the SW after initially totally ignoring the region...
    - We have seen a successful Puffin 8 production well, which sured up two production wells in the NE, and enhanced the economics of the field through lower average costs...
    - We have recently been told about development of SW into production next year,
    - The successful Puffin 8 well has increased possibility of increased flow rates from the NE.... (which were once expected to flow up to 40k perday, but now AED have gone soft on that figure)...
    - We have been told that in the drilling program in the 4th quarter that SW will drill another production well...

    most of these details were known but needed to be said by the company and proven, expectations can sometimes be different from actual outcome... the exceptional flow rates on Puffin 8 threw everybody off... and at the same time accusition of talbot field hasnot impacted on the importance of the Puffin fields to AED...
    this company looks just as undervalued now as it did back 5 months ago when we did not have all of this new info confirmed...
    These companys are the same companys that were present before market risk increased... NWE is the same company than what it was when SP touched 35cents...
    AED is the same company than what it was when its SP touched $9.02, and is now $2.5 less than that... AED has had FPSO on loan at an estimated cost of 16million dollars...
    NWE have revenues and no expenses in collecting these revenues......
    NWE have a shot at a much larger company by laying down the ground work for multiple drilling next year (cobra a shot at this year)... and bar market risk, this company has no downside and big up... I will hold this company all the way until after SW first production at this stage, AED have said that SW will come into production around mid year, and looks like it could be a long shot IMO....
    BITCOIN certified rat poop. NSA created, Expensive to send, slow, can only trade on cex, no autonomy, spaghetti code, has been hacked, accidental Backdoor brc20s whoops, no one building on it, alienated all cryptos against it, volume is fake, few whales control large supply... it will perform though

  5. #15
    Senior Member Serpie's Avatar
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    Christchurch, , New Zealand.


    You're the man Shrewdy! Great work.

  6. #16
    Senior Member
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    Let me add my two cents worth ......... Shrewdie has the amazing ability to be able to analyze in detail to most of us that dont have, dont care to, for whatever get down to the detail that he does.

    There is no doubt in my mind that he is a true analytical oiler! Keep it up dude.... yo do man !

    I have been able two double my exposure to NWE and other shares over the last week.

    Bring on more of these healthy market corrections.

  7. #17
    Advanced Member
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    If you are talking about Shrewdy you had better realise this kid is seriously talented.

    I have met him and would back him on this thread through and through.

  8. #18
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    I agree with you ...likewise I have met him and he certainly knows his s**t !!

    I may be in the industry but look at it from his "anal" mind

    I dont mind admitting he has done the leg work for me on a couple of buys but in the end I have made my own choice about wether to buy or not.

    Go Shrewd Crude

  9. #19
    Senior Member Serpie's Avatar
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    Christchurch, , New Zealand.

    Default Cobra

    Thanks to Mhasibu on SS for posting info on Cobra.

    If you have a look at Encore's website there's a presentation from early July that has their drilling schedule.
    Cobra's booked in for 2008 Q2 at this stage.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    I am also of the opinion that NWE is the dogs bollix. I said a while back that I was overweight in NWE and that I wouldn't buy anymore........ BUT since then I have bought a vanload, especially in the last few days.

    What reaffirms to me that NWE is a sound investment is that it has made the most rapid increase post this little correction of any stocks in my portfolio.

    As Oiler2 pointed out, I am also in the industry, but enjoy and learn from looking at it from a different point of view - Shrewd's. Us in the industry we tend to work on a little "inside knowledge" so to speak, but may not be the best at picking the correct time to buy or sell. This is where a different perspective is truly valuable to me!


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