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  1. #51


    THE KING says we get all these SELL notices but never get who BUY notices as there is only 4 holders over 5% this company has a mix,mash of tiny holders 18,304 in TOTAL.. [^][^]

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
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    quote:Originally posted by bongo66
    How can that be King when insiders like Greg Inger are selling largish amounts for crissy presents...

    Your Majesty, I bet he buys them at KRK's not the WHS

  3. #53


    THE KING says at KRK prices he may have to sell the lot,, besides a fellow in his position is pretty WEAK to sell and say nothing to the TROOPS, including the BOARD who is proberly selling TOO.. [^][^]

  4. #54
    Muppet Placebo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Lower Hutt, , New Zealand.


    quote:And my gut tells me that WHS will fight it out in Oz ... and eventually win
    A little optimistic Belg? I agree they'll continue to slug it out in Oz, but my view is that they will keep hitting their head against the brick wall until common sense dictates they pull out to save what little value they have left.

    Long-term (and like you this is a gut feeling) WHS will be a NZ and NZ-only company, after having tried to work in Aust and failed. They are giving it until 2006 (at the earliest) to reassess Aust ops. It will take a turnaround of massive proportions (and big $$$ spend) to make money in Oz. It's been 4 years so far, not a bean. The ink is all red. Meanwhile margin squeeze on here in NZ.

    There's no doubt in my mind Australia is an albatross around WHS's neck. I'd love to be a fly on their boardroom wall. The new pommie chief exec has walked into a difficult environment, clearly the board is committed (determined) to push through Oz at any cost. Bull-headed (pig-headed?). I'd love to know his private view on this, as an outsider coming in. I regard myself as a relative outsider, I look at their problems and wonder why they don't just cut their losses. Is this smart business. Yes the long-term rewards are potentially large but how long do you keep trying to make it work?

    This WHS board has already pushed out one CE (Muir) over Oz. How long before they take down another?
    Marriage isn't a word. It's a sentence

  5. #55
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    quote:Originally posted by THE KING

    THE KING says at KRK prices he may have to sell the lot,, besides a fellow in his position is pretty WEAK to sell and say nothing to the TROOPS, including the BOARD who is proberly selling TOO.. [^][^]
    Ah yes Your Majesty, when one sells to the hoi poloi and not the cost conscious lumpen proletariat one can hold one's margins by not passing on the Kiwi $ savings to the ruling class.

    Specially as all the others are doing it as well in their little boutiques. When you are the only game in town at the quality end of the market, well why not, I say. Its what that Buffett chap refers to as a moat, I think.

    Warehouse, warehouse, full of never mind the quality look at the price peasants.

    "Keep on fawning and you won't have to sell awnings"- thats how we KRK's shareholders like to see things done.

  6. #56


    THE KING says if you can SELL your KRK`s to someone you can always BUY 2 of BGR for 1 KRK that sounds better and collect a bigger DIV..[xx(][xx(]

  7. #57
    Senior Member
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    Wellington, , New Zealand.


    That U bid at $4.00 must be a on behalf of an insto desperately trying to prevent the sp from falling into the abyss

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Wellington, New Zealand


    quote:Originally posted by clearasmud

    That U bid at $4.00 must be a on behalf of an insto desperately trying to prevent the sp from falling into the abyss
    Your not wrong there. Do you think it was put there by WHS insiders?

    But she is gone now. When will it go below $4.00

  9. #59
    Join Date
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    Anyone who is still holding this company, unless you would be prepared to buy more at current prices you should now be selling.

    Take your loss like a man and move on.
    There are greener pastures. This share does not care about you, it does not owe you anything.

    Calculate your possible returns from this company, and compare them to other shares and you will see that it is silly to hold onto WHS just because you are in the red.

    As for KRK... Why would anyone buy such a thing?

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
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    Someone bought 178,000 KRK today. There are none left. Has MacDunk tracked down their truck depot ?

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