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  1. #31
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    STRAT, Can you give us an update at the end of the month please i want to see if SHREwDY has scratched back to the starting line. He has one that more than halved its price and another that is still a long way to go to double its price. Meantimes Macdunks resource selections are steaming ahead with the only snag being his granny selection.Macdunk

  2. #32
    Guru Crypto Crude's Avatar
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    New Zealand.


    Why wait until the end of the month for an update?
    heres one right now...

    Shrewd crude- positive 14.4%
    Mackdunk- negative 9.5%
    Strat- negative 10.3%
    Mackdunk, YOUR recent loses on NWE cancel out returns you made from PRC...

    BITCOIN certified rat poop. NSA created, Expensive to send, slow, can only trade on cex, no autonomy, spaghetti code, has been hacked, accidental Backdoor brc20s whoops, no one building on it, alienated all cryptos against it, volume is fake, few whales control large supply... it will perform though

  3. #33
    Advanced Member
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    Excellent, well done being positive in this market

  4. #34
    SRV is a God STRAT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by duncan macgregor View Post
    STRAT, Can you give us an update at the end of the month please i want to see if SHREwDY has scratched back to the starting line. He has one that more than halved its price and another that is still a long way to go to double its price. Meantimes Macdunks resource selections are steaming ahead with the only snag being his granny selection.Macdunk
    Sorry Macca,
    Been a bit busy.

    How we gonna work this out? At the risk of starting a new debate this is how I see it. We all started with two stocks with a 50/50 equity in each. You had to sell down AGM ( at a profit ) and used that money to buy PRC which means in order for me to to show your overall performance I need some numbers. Sell price AGM. Buy price PRC. I can then work out the ratio betwen your two stocks and your overall performance to date.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by STRAT View Post
    Sorry Macca,
    Been a bit busy.

    How we gonna work this out? At the risk of starting a new debate this is how I see it. We all started with two stocks with a 50/50 equity in each. You had to sell down AGM ( at a profit ) and used that money to buy PRC which means in order for me to to show your overall performance I need some numbers. Sell price AGM. Buy price PRC. I can then work out the ratio betwen your two stocks and your overall performance to date.
    STRAT you dont do it like that. You work out the percentage profit on AGM which gets added to the profit or loss on PRC. You cant take it in a situation like that and say you sold AGM at a profit then bought PRC with the profits. You are miles out with the numbers the Shrewd one is in negative territory. Your old mate KEEPINYAHONEST. Macdunk

  6. #36
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    STRUTH I have just looked up the prices and SHREWDY is in front. Imagine tailgating that guy for GAWDS SAKE.
    1, SHREWDY , FML bought at 10c now 4.3c = - 57% What a bum pick.
    VPE bought at 16c now 28c = +75% Lucky pick
    2, Macdunk, AGM bought at 73.5c sold at 110c delisted +34% than bought
    PRC bought at 208c now 233c = +12%
    NWE bought at 26.5c now 15c = - 43% Shrewdies granny selection
    3,STRAT, MHL bought at 3.3c now 1.8c = - 45% as bad as it gets.
    AMU bought at 67.5c now 58c = -14%
    There you go strat did a rough count it looks like Shrewdy and i are in positive territory which in this market is not to bad at all. Macdunk

  7. #37
    Guru Crypto Crude's Avatar
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    OK dude.. I made up a bunch of numbers to see what sort of reaction id get...
    I will work all the numbers through...

    shrewd crude-
    fml- 10c to 4.3c ... Down 57%/2= minus 28.5
    vpe- 16c to 28c.... plus 75% /2=plus 37.5
    total plus 9%...

    agm (inside job)- 73.5c to $1.10= plus 49.66/2=plus 24.83%
    nwe- 26,5c (hahaha) to 15c= minus 43.40/2= minus 21.7%
    prc nzx (sad tale)... $2.08 to $2.33= plus 12.01%/2 = plus 6%...
    add all those up...
    plus 9.13%...

    amu- 67.5 to 58= minus14.07%/2 = minus 7.04%
    mhl- 3.3 to 1.8= minus 45.45%/2= minus 22.73%
    add those up....
    minus 29.77%

    BITCOIN certified rat poop. NSA created, Expensive to send, slow, can only trade on cex, no autonomy, spaghetti code, has been hacked, accidental Backdoor brc20s whoops, no one building on it, alienated all cryptos against it, volume is fake, few whales control large supply... it will perform though

  8. #38
    Guru Crypto Crude's Avatar
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    is this how both yous see it... its a two stock, 50% each, portfolio comp...

    BITCOIN certified rat poop. NSA created, Expensive to send, slow, can only trade on cex, no autonomy, spaghetti code, has been hacked, accidental Backdoor brc20s whoops, no one building on it, alienated all cryptos against it, volume is fake, few whales control large supply... it will perform though

  9. #39
    SRV is a God STRAT's Avatar
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    Im fine with anything you two can agree on

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by STRAT View Post
    Im fine with anything you two can agree on
    STRAT SHREWDY and i are both waiting on the fat ladies decission [ AHEM JUDGE JUDY]. You know that yous is MR inbetween {the rose between two thorns]. Come out with the numbers mate, and take a stick to that cheating coniving no good crude person. Macdunk


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