SHREWDY, I wont go in to detail of what i do in private business when most of you are to scared to even use your real name. The sharemarket will have a bad year so no point in me selecting companies for the sake of it when i dont invest like that in any case.
Pick what you like out of this lot.
1, OIL is $42-75 todays price a barrel I bought barrels of high grade engine oil in real life with a price that is closely tied to the market price.
2,ASB in NZ todays rate is 7.43% I have a higher rate in AUSTRALIA bought last year.
3.Silver $11-10 at todays price.
4 GOLD $853-85,
I pay tax on shares so dont complicate things. The market is heading down in 2009 you would be wise to rethink your high risk investing style.
Pick what you like out of that lot i dont care. Macdunk