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  1. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shrewd Crude View Post
    It is obvious that you are not ethical...
    This competition has proven it many times...
    Your mate Shrewd crude...

    SHREWDY, I have given you three resource stocks out in this competition that are all winners. My only loss is on your recommendation to your granny. Take a look at MEE forget the competition. You told me to select another resource stock when AGM delisted which i did. You then tried to hold a poll to see if i was allowed that stock. I then made it easier for you by selecting another stock that you would not object to. You then did an about face and said i had to take the stock that you objected to.
    After all that you say that i am not ethical when it was you who changed the rules and did all the objecting.
    You then insult my good friend STRAT by calling him an old woman in the form of judge judy to preside over your shady competition. Interesting competition mate. I would hate to see you trying to organise a sh*t fight in a cow shed. Macdunk

  2. #52
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    I have explained the NWE issue more than one hundred times now...
    I explained it quite clearly before, SO I will now cut and paste what I have previously said So we don't have to waste any more of our Time...

    Yes you may have a go at me for your mistakes with NWE, I did not make any... I actually played that company aswell as you played some of your resource plays EG Summit...
    You aint got nothing on me Mackdunk...
    keep snooping, dig harder, try and find something more than just 'NWE recommended to my grandma'...

    Yes NWE was recommended to my grandma at that time when I posted it... "At that time", every indication pointed to full field production from the Puffin Fields in NE and SW at flow rates enought to put NWE at 50 cents per share, NPV (easily)...
    it was 50c NPV at oil prices 40% lower...

    We had all the flow testing results, I followed AED's reports of confirmed successful flow rates in the NE (majorly successful actually)... it all pointed to a good project... (just like Tui)... But AED happened to stuff it up at the completion end of the Project... NE Puffin was expected to flow at 35,000-40,000 BOPD...what we got was 6,000 BOPD... which came in big time under the gun.... but yet you shoot yours off like an AK47...
    When first signs of Puffin field problems came to the market, Both AED and NWE started to run into big problems... at that stage I sold everything, and got laughed at on NWE SS for selling as low as 22c but got out average 25c, after going 'All in' at 16.8c ave...
    NWE then ran to 35cents quickly after id sold... it then came down to 25cents... at that stage you tipped it in the comp.......
    you picked little Norwest on the way down, you mug...
    you said never to buy a stock in a downtrend!

    You went into NWE Blind, mackdunk...
    The old NWE and the new NWE were totally different and all the posts I made in the past therefore production effectively meant nothing...

    The Real signal was when I sold one month before our competition started....
    Take that for ethics....

    Sometimes things change in the market, and as an investor you have to change with those times...
    Mackdunk, you made a great move by selling your crappy resource stocks and running to cash.... what you should have done was sold those stocks and bought Oil....
    Strat and I, and many many others have had the best run's we have ever had...
    I am in a much better position now than if I had of Sold my oilers at 25-30k, and bought a house at 250k....
    Now that house is worth 220k and my portfolio is worth 45-50k....
    When this is over that 250k house will be worth 180k
    Ive already saved 5-10 years off my future house Total loan term....
    Winning this competition will just sweeten the deal....
    One day you will give it up to me... and celebrate the fact that im on the quick road to success, compared to the 30 year SLOG term, to mid term life crisis...
    mackdunk, yourve been towing the Grandma NWE line for awhile now...
    I suggest you dig something else up on me....
    Last week AED came out with some promising signals to your NWE investment (not mine)...
    it appears as though YOUR pumping little company wil takes its share in drilling AC/P22 NE and possibly SW, before the comp ends...
    BITCOIN certified rat poop. NSA created, Expensive to send, slow, can only trade on cex, no autonomy, spaghetti code, has been hacked, accidental Backdoor brc20s whoops, no one building on it, alienated all cryptos against it, volume is fake, few whales control large supply... it will perform though

  3. #53
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    If you really want to be smart...
    Read the AED presentation, and tell us what you think it means for NWE before The comp ends on 19th November...?
    You have AC/P32 before then (very high risk)..... just how our mate mackdunk likes to play it....
    . most likely two wells in AC/P22...(SW, NE)...
    And a shot at a Takeover...
    You do the maths...
    tell us what you think all this means..?

    BITCOIN certified rat poop. NSA created, Expensive to send, slow, can only trade on cex, no autonomy, spaghetti code, has been hacked, accidental Backdoor brc20s whoops, no one building on it, alienated all cryptos against it, volume is fake, few whales control large supply... it will perform though

  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shrewd Crude View Post
    AGM got delisted from the ASX after the takeover...
    Mackdunk Picked PRC... Pike River Coal to replace AGM....
    The new price from his new selection was $2.08 set a few days ago...
    AGM went from $.735 to $1.10 --> good pick mackdunk,
    lets see how your next one performs, as it must do a mighty run or Wisteria coming through as a last chance high risk gamble...
    Wisteria success or failure will determine if you bump me off the top or not... I hope for your sake that drilling is not delayed as that would spell ultimate doom...
    Stuff this FML... what a joke that one has become...

    HEY STRAT this is how i see it.
    AGM $5000 bought 6802.721 shares at .735 each
    got delisted at $1-10 which is then worth $7482.9931

    PRC was bought at $2-08 with $7482-99 giving 3597.59 shares which are now worth $2-38
    or $8562.26. This gives a profit on $5000 of$3562-26 or 71.24% on my initial resource selection according to SHREWDY. No doubt the SHREWD one will come back bleating about this or that trying to change the rules so i rely on your being a fair minded person to stick the boot into him if he starts squacking. Macdunk

  5. #55
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    Thumbs down

    Originally Posted by STRAT
    Sorry Macca,
    Been a bit busy.

    How we gonna work this out? At the risk of starting a new debate this is how I see it. We all started with two stocks with a 50/50 equity in each. You had to sell down AGM ( at a profit ) and used that money to buy PRC which means in order for me to to show your overall performance I need some numbers. Sell price AGM. Buy price PRC. I can then work out the ratio betwen your two stocks and your overall performance to date.
    STRAT you dont do it like that. You work out the percentage profit on AGM which gets added to the profit or loss on PRC. You cant take it in a situation like that and say you sold AGM at a profit then bought PRC with the profits.
    this is what strat said, and mackdunks reply to what strat said...
    at that point mackdunk instantly
    Mackdunk has seriously put his foot in it with this quote from page 3, as he now whats to change his mind as he has seen a path to sneaking bigger returns...
    Why should mackdunk be allowed to leverage his Position into PRC when I cant leverage at all?
    Its not the way to do business... and mackdunk knew it, and said otherwise...
    What mackdunk said in the above post is a complete contradiction of mammoth proportions to his worked numbers above.......
    weapons of Masdunk destruction...

    where on Earth did you get $5000 from... At no point so far have we used dollars... At no point were shares included... We did not start the comp with any shares...
    It was always about percentage returns...
    Read the rules on sharechat, on the first page... Quote" two stocks each having a 50% portfolio weighting"....
    AGM would give you a 50% leverage into all your PRC returns which is unjust.....
    mackdunk, time to be honest...
    Why change your mind now?
    BITCOIN certified rat poop. NSA created, Expensive to send, slow, can only trade on cex, no autonomy, spaghetti code, has been hacked, accidental Backdoor brc20s whoops, no one building on it, alienated all cryptos against it, volume is fake, few whales control large supply... it will perform though

  6. #56
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    Maybe you took this opportunity as a chance to sneak one in when I said this...
    Mackdunk your right... I have not learnt much from you...
    Im always always listening and watching...
    It was wrong when I said I had not learnt much from you... In the future will will be applying your stop loss systems, and I will learn charting and technical... at the moment I cant be bothered...

    BITCOIN certified rat poop. NSA created, Expensive to send, slow, can only trade on cex, no autonomy, spaghetti code, has been hacked, accidental Backdoor brc20s whoops, no one building on it, alienated all cryptos against it, volume is fake, few whales control large supply... it will perform though

  7. #57
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    SHREWDY, I only reverted back to what STRAT said earlier on about getting delisted then sticking the money on the next selection. Far be it from me to try and influence our mate STRAT. I only used figures to make it easy for him to work out a percentage.
    You forget one very important thing that i will take as a compliment to my selecting ability and that is sticking all my winnings on the second pick, as i would do in real life. It can work for or against me.
    I notice you dont say anything about the other selection i made, when you objected to PRC.
    Not bad dont you think SHREWDY?, three winners out of three in a downtrending market with only your granny recommendation holding me back. Macdunk

  8. #58
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    Dont blame me FOR YOUR MISTAKES WITH NWE...
    I sold it one month before the competition started... go re-read the thread...

    mackdunk quote-STRAT you dont do it like that. You work out the percentage profit on AGM which gets added to the profit or loss on PRC. You cant take it in a situation like that and say you sold AGM at a profit then bought PRC with the profits.
    I only reverted back to what strat said.... blah blah blah...
    it did not matter what strat said, it only matters what you say, and what I say...

    I say this because there can not be a court case if one of us has nothing to challenge... You never challenged it, I did not... therefore, whats to take infront of the court...? leave my mate strat out of this...

    Mackdunk, lets say for example that you commited a crime..
    If I got a tape recording of you admitting the crime, and then you went before the court, you would get the death sentence for changing your story..... You would get savaged after this piece of evidence came forward...

    Read the first page on SChat... it clearly states, two stock 50% portfolio each... why all of a sudden would you have a problem now...?
    this time you have gone tooo farrrr....

    Last edited by Crypto Crude; 02-07-2008 at 12:56 PM.
    BITCOIN certified rat poop. NSA created, Expensive to send, slow, can only trade on cex, no autonomy, spaghetti code, has been hacked, accidental Backdoor brc20s whoops, no one building on it, alienated all cryptos against it, volume is fake, few whales control large supply... it will perform though

  9. #59
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    You forget one very important thing that i will take as a compliment to my selecting ability and that is sticking all my winnings on the second pick, as i would do in real life. It can work for or against me.
    Your kidding me, right?
    NO... what you would do is you would pull all your funds from the market and batton the hatches...
    Yes you tell us what you are doing in real life?

    Oh, and it cant work against you, PRC is a winner...
    BITCOIN certified rat poop. NSA created, Expensive to send, slow, can only trade on cex, no autonomy, spaghetti code, has been hacked, accidental Backdoor brc20s whoops, no one building on it, alienated all cryptos against it, volume is fake, few whales control large supply... it will perform though

  10. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shrewd Crude View Post
    Your kidding me, right?
    NO... what you would do is you would pull all your funds from the market and batton the hatches...
    Yes you tell us what you are doing in real life?

    Oh, and it cant work against you, PRC is a winner...
    SHREWDY, In real life as you know i said the market would downtrend leading up to a crash and removed my funds from the market. I also said the NZ dollar would downtrend so left my funds in Australia. Some people now say the market is crashing my funds have had about 13% gain in exchange rate since being there. Getting back to the competition if you only take the resource side of it with the two companies now involved then if you stop and think about it i changed nothing. The monetry figures quoted were only a laymans way of coming up with a percentage. Add the percentage rise of AGM from the start to when it got delisted to the percentage rise of PRC from the day AGM was delisted up to now and you will come up with the same answer. The percentage rise on that half of the competition is exactly the same. If however you think you dont have a chance of winning with me on PRC then i am quite prepared to still take MEE which was 68c at that time, You notice our mate STRAT is lying low at the moment letting us scrap it out before he bomes back with the big stick. Macdunk


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