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  1. #61
    Guru Crypto Crude's Avatar
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    mackdunk-Getting back to the competition if you only take the resource side of it with the two companies now involved then if you stop and think about it i changed nothing. The monetry figures quoted were only a laymans way of coming up with a percentage. Add the percentage rise of AGM from the start to when it got delisted to the percentage rise of PRC from the day AGM was delisted up to now and you will come up with the same answer. The percentage rise on that half of the competition is exactly the same.

    I think you are confused abit with how this works...
    let me give you an example...
    lets round it off and say that AGM rose 50%...
    Lets assume PRC finishes the competition at $3.00... to make it easy lets say PRC was first picked at $2.00...

    I am saying that AGMS rise is 50%/2.... the 2 stands for the portfolio weighting of half...PRC would also be 50%/2 as 2->3..... 50%/2 + 50%/2= 50% return for that side of the comp...

    You are saying 50/2= .25 weighted return for AGM, (plus 1 to get finishing weighting of AGM) multiply by post PRC return ... equals 1.25*1.50= 1.875-1= 87.5%

    you are squeezing 37.5% overall performance out of me because you are leveraging PRC off AGM, which is not what this competition is about...
    its about a 50% resource 50% oil...
    This will bumper up your resource weighting which is fake...

    You are multiplying AGM performance against PRC.... AND NOT adding the two together like I am... ...
    be honest with yourself mackdunk, confess...
    its two stocks with 50% each as to the rules we agreed on...
    Your now trying on some other sort of competition...
    Using leverage, using greater weightings on the resource side of the comp....
    Have a think about it... I am correct...

    BITCOIN certified rat poop. NSA created, Expensive to send, slow, can only trade on cex, no autonomy, spaghetti code, has been hacked, accidental Backdoor brc20s whoops, no one building on it, alienated all cryptos against it, volume is fake, few whales control large supply... it will perform though

  2. #62
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    LOOKS LIKE WE NEED A JUDGEMENT from judge judy. STRAT WHERE ARE YOU?. GEEZE its a good job its only the three of us in this competition the average guy would get a bit miffed off with all your cheating. Macdunk

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by STRAT View Post
    Sorry Macca,
    Been a bit busy.

    How we gonna work this out? At the risk of starting a new debate this is how I see it. We all started with two stocks with a 50/50 equity in each. You had to sell down AGM ( at a profit ) and used that money to buy PRC which means in order for me to to show your overall performance I need some numbers. Sell price AGM. Buy price PRC. I can then work out the ratio betwen your two stocks and your overall performance to date.
    SHREWDY i am only giving you the numbers according to STRATS ruling.
    AGM .735c according to you delisted at 110c = 36.5c gain = 49.65
    prc 208c according to you now 238c = 30c gain = 14.42% = total of 64.07% less whatever your stupid NWE cost me. However in the real world when AGM got delisted all the funds would have gone on the next company which is only fair and reasonable giving me a higher return of 71.24% which STRAT in his wisdom will come back at you and tell you how wrong you are. Macdunk

  4. #64
    Guru Crypto Crude's Avatar
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    What do you mean by, from strats ruling... he has not made one yet...
    From that it looks like we are both in agreement,
    because AGM is 50% of the portfolio, you divide it by 2, or multiply it by .5
    so... 49.65/2=24.83% increase...
    add in PRC from 2.08 to 2.38 =.3/2.08= 14.4/2= 7.21% add them up...
    NWE 26.5 to 15.5 --> minus 41.51%/2= -20.75%

    OR.....+49.65%, +14.4% minus 41.51%= 22.54%/2= 11.27%....
    somewhere you have to divide by 2... I will leave it up to start....

    32.04% less 20.75%= 11.29%.... hum... your slowly increasing your lead mackdunk...
    Is this correct Strat...?

    BITCOIN certified rat poop. NSA created, Expensive to send, slow, can only trade on cex, no autonomy, spaghetti code, has been hacked, accidental Backdoor brc20s whoops, no one building on it, alienated all cryptos against it, volume is fake, few whales control large supply... it will perform though

  5. #65
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    Now that you concede that old Macdunk is whippin your butt it will be interesting to see my mates STRATS figures on by how much. I think my MEE will end up whippin your butt as well notice you dont mention that one that you forced me to select when you objected to me selecting PRC. First seven rounds to Macdunk only five left. macdunk

  6. #66
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    Where you at strat?

    BITCOIN certified rat poop. NSA created, Expensive to send, slow, can only trade on cex, no autonomy, spaghetti code, has been hacked, accidental Backdoor brc20s whoops, no one building on it, alienated all cryptos against it, volume is fake, few whales control large supply... it will perform though

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shrewd Crude View Post
    Where you at strat?

    STRAT is being SHREWD if you will excuse the pun. Its like two drunks fighting in the pub where the barman lets them beat each other up before turfing them out.
    I have one slight advantage being that the profit from AGM is locked in. C-MON STRAT sort young SHREWDY out dont let him take advantage of poor old Macdunk

  8. #68
    Guru Crypto Crude's Avatar
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    Ive got nothing more to add to the debate....
    What would usually happen, is the bar man would throw us out and then we get into a punch up in the parking lot...
    We have not been thrown out yet...
    BITCOIN certified rat poop. NSA created, Expensive to send, slow, can only trade on cex, no autonomy, spaghetti code, has been hacked, accidental Backdoor brc20s whoops, no one building on it, alienated all cryptos against it, volume is fake, few whales control large supply... it will perform though

  9. #69
    SRV is a God STRAT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shrewd Crude View Post
    Where you at strat?

    Been Busy in the kitchen and didnt realize there was a brawl in the bar. I will decide on whether to toss you two drunken bums into the street first chance I get. No hurry, its cold out. Right?

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by STRAT View Post
    Been Busy in the kitchen and didnt realize there was a brawl in the bar. I will decide on whether to toss you two drunken bums into the street first chance I get. No hurry, its cold out. Right?
    C-MON STRAT time to do your sums.
    1,AGM .737c delsted at 110c bought PRC 208c todays price 216c.
    NWE 26.5c todays price 15c.

    SHREWDY, VPE 16c today 21.5c
    FML 10c today 4c.

    STRAT, AMU 67.5c today 63.5
    MHL 3.3c today 1,6c

    There you have it STRAT in real life i would have bought PRC with what i sold AGM for but SHREWDY thinks thats not fair so i will leave it up to you to tell him how wrong it is to keep cheating. Macdunk


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