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  1. #421
    Veteran novice
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    You're not alone in questioning the validity of the CPI, the subject's been debated over the years in other threads on this site. The problem has always been in defining "consumers" then in deciding which items should be included or dropped and finally in what the respective weightings should be. All very subjective.

    Incidentally, we seem to be straying from the subject of this thread - perhaps CPI deserves its own.

  2. #422
    Permanent Newbie
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    Macduffy the thread title has inflation and deflation in it and I don't like to create new threads for my rambling as it probably adds little to the site.

    Anyway OCR at 1.75% till at least 2020. Inflation rate 1.85% annually over the last two years. Still well shy of the 3% top of the range required. Although housing increased 8.55% annually over the last two years.

    I haven't followed the latest strikes or have details about the demands but anyone on a wage who isn't getting a 1-3% pay rise every year is getting screwed if the reserve bank has an inflation target of 1-3% wages need to rise by the same amount annually to maintain your standard of living. More if you want to own a house as these have increased substantially more and housing costs possibly would make up one third to half of lower and middle income families budgets.

  3. #423
    FEAR n GREED JBmurc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
    It might just be me on this thread but I am not the only one who thinks CPI statistics are bull**** for the average NZer. Although not quite sure what his conclusion is at the end as its a bit vague. Possibly he is pointing out a problem then concluding that wages should not rise or it will upset our current wonderful system I'm not sure.

    My conclusion is that as long as you have capital(that isn't taxed) and a system designed for inflation we eventually create a divide between the rich and poor that becomes too difficult to breach. Like royalty, wealth might become a birth right. A bit early with the predictions but we seem to be progressing this way.
    Yes then you get a Socialist Govt in power than increases Taxes and puts even more strain on a the corrupt fractional banking system..

    I laugh when our central bank comes out with no increases in core rates of 1.75% till 2020 when the US wants to see 3%+ by then ...Maybe are RBNZ thinks the tail wags the dog
    "With a good perspective on history, we can have a better understanding of the past and present, and thus a clear vision of the future." — Carlos Slim Helu

  4. #424
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    Interest Rates & confidence down could be interesting developments coming up.How long to wait?

  5. #425
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    This guy thinks there could be trouble.
    But he suggests in the article Central banks will buy equities to ensure liquidity (keep prices up) like what the Japanese central bank is already doing. WHAT IS THIS BULL****. Propping up asset prices denies anyone else a chance to buy at a bargain price. They talk about capitalism and free markets. The stock exchanges are supposed to be market places but everyone wants the prices protected. Ensuring asset prices whether it is stocks or real estate never fall sounds like a dumb idea that has had its day. It sounds a little bit like trickle down economics to me. Bull**** ideas like this are what makes me want to throw rocks and burn cars.

  6. #426
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    Jay Powell is listening to the markets. Or has guaranteed he will provide low interest rates and easy money to keep them propped up just like his predecessors. Possibly even direct purchases of stocks if he is following Japan. The theory is the wealth effect that people feel richer so consume more and that keeps the economy humming. Sounds like a bull**** economic theory to me. Who really benefits from elevated asset prices. Here is one group.

    29 hours work or 3 days to earn an average wage in the UK. I imagine the US and Europe are just as bad. Can one person really be worth that much and be so much more special than just about everyone else to justify their pay packet. Hard to believe, just as hard to believe the wealth effect is a valid economic theory.

  7. #427
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    I see this guy quoted on another thread here. Good confirmation bias for me re the Fed.
    "Gundlach also tossed some shade at Fed Chairman Jerome Powell’s rally-inspiring comments last Friday, as he said the central bank chief “went from pragmatic Powell to Powell put and the markets have been throwing a party since then.” He added that the way investors have been piling into the market lately looks similar to what was going in the credit market before the last big financial crisis."

  8. #428
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    Inflation, but not of the monetary system

    1908 1mill
    1952 2mill takes 44 years
    1973 3mill takes 21 years
    2003 4mill takes 30 years
    2019 5mill takes 16 years

    Hopefully the next million takes a lot longer. I reckon 5 million is all NZ needs. Why don't we look at sustainability instead of growth.

  9. #429
    Advanced Member airedale's Avatar
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    I am not that hot with statistics but I would guess that the next million increase will happen in about 10 years time. Just as well that John Key and Stephen Joyce have gone or we would have been swamped by the sheer number of short order cooks and waiters who were pretending to be "students".

  10. #430
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    ASZ 2019 competition closing in few hours
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