SHREWDY, The time to buy oil is when the world economy revs up next time. I would think that will be a major reshuffle of the world leading economies before that happens. I am quite content to sit it out until it all comes right. I hope it taught you to understand that the market is not ruled by common sense, but ruled by greed and fear. The fundamental hold forever and a day types have all taken a huge hiding.
The American credit way of life that we adopt will self destruct, if not this time then next time fear grips the market. The most important rule in investing is [IF IN DOUBT GET OUT]. I would think the worst has still to come, this is only the beginning of of a prolonged depressed period with people that have money to scared to buy shares.
I dont mind having a little dabble in the market just for fun, like buying a lotto ticket or a few shares in thrill and drill, but i wont be in with any intent for at least another year. Macdunk