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Thread: Mentor wanted

  1. #41
    Guru Crypto Crude's Avatar
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    hey George,
    Its all personal intrepretation...
    I remember a few years ago talking to grandad about my winners and he told me that those profits are not real until they are taken..."until that money is in your hot little hand", he told me....
    I did not take it to heart at the time... I was locked up in my own little world of thought... but I did remember what he said, and it all started to make sense as the positions I held started to fall after I sold them....

    I was so caught up in how much paper profit I made, that it almost blurred my judgement on sell signals...

    At that time I banked on profits that had not yet being taken...
    In the end I did sell the shares, and then the stocks tumbled...
    at that point I realised for the given level of risk that I take that yes I was foolish to believe that profits and losses are real before they are sold...
    so in my experience, I wont bank profits or losses until positions are sold...
    im weary after my rather lucky experiences with AED and NWE...and MEO...and others...

    Now it would be taking it one step further to bank on returns not yet gained...

    Its all about the individual... If you pursue a low risk portfolio strategy, then banking profits as they surface could be the way to go... higher liqduidity and smoother returns...
    In this world of high risk, banking on profits, or losses not yet taken can be a detrement as those daily changes in dollar signs effect your emotions and blurr signals...

    do what you got to do, I dont personally follow oher strategies, mine is evolving as I I learn... and Im going to stand by my call because I believe in the fundamentals...

    BITCOIN certified rat poop. NSA created, Expensive to send, slow, can only trade on cex, no autonomy, spaghetti code, has been hacked, accidental Backdoor brc20s whoops, no one building on it, alienated all cryptos against it, volume is fake, few whales control large supply... it will perform though

  2. #42
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    Default is an excellent investor education website.

    One of their online "courses" is entitled "Fifteen Favourite Fallacies". It is well worth reading. You can find examples of each and every one of these 15 fallacies being advocated right here on ShareTrader.

    "Paper losses aren't real" is number 10.

    I'm with George.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus View Post is an excellent investor education website.

    One of their online "courses" is entitled "Fifteen Favourite Fallacies". It is well worth reading. You can find examples of each and every one of these 15 fallacies being advocated right here on ShareTrader.

    "Paper losses aren't real" is number 10.

    I'm with George.
    That was a really healthy read, thanks Phaedrus.

    It is only human to look for reliable rules and simple formulae to resolve an intellectual challenge. The investor's search for easy answers is manifested in a range of proverbs, sayings and mantras that have been given authority by the mere force of repetition. Together, these sayings are the nearest thing to a body of education that many investors ever receive. And they are all the more dangerous for that.

    The sayings are seldom correct. Many of them are either completely misguided, or plain wrong, or right only in certain circumstances. Treat them with too much reverence, and you could be heading for a fall. Recognise them for what they are - simplistic part truths - and you stand a chance of emerging unscathed.
    Never look a gift horse in the mouth?

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by absolut-advance View Post
    Hi George,

    the loss usually limited by a disciplined mental stop

    To me AA a stop is a stop, cast in stone, a time to accept your trade has exceeded its original parameters and therefore time to get out quick.
    I have never really understood how you implement a mental stop and why would you set one in the first place.
    If your mental stop is hit then do you sell at market maybe for a bigger loss or is it a warning to get out and sell into a rally which may never come,seems very risky in volatile times.
    I could only see the use, trading a thin market to avoid stop hunting and who wants to trade those markets.

    i would appreciate your thoughts.
    Last edited by dumbass; 06-02-2009 at 03:48 PM.

  5. #45
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    AA I still think you should use an "emergency" stop. What happens if you get hit by a falling piano before a major market meltdown and can't sell?
    Disclaimer: Do not take my posts seriously. They are only opinions.

    AMR has sold all shares and is pursuing property.

  6. #46
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    thanks for response AA, i get where your coming from , i suppose its horses for courses even though i would take a hard stop with a bit of whipsaw over that occasional event which may trigger a big loss, including flying pianos etc.
    in my early days of trading i tended to set my stops where every man and his dog set theres, so say on a support break there was an avalanche of stop sells going through making it difficult to get a market sell order in at a good price. I am a little more circumspect with stop placement now.

  7. #47
    Guru Crypto Crude's Avatar
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    hey phaedrus and others,
    It does not matter to me, paper losses, real losses whatever which way you want to look at it...when you want to book it... in the end it only comes down to making REAL money... and I dont consider positions not sold REAL money.... ie... physical cash in the hand...
    As long as im making money over the long term then im ok with that...
    If I buy into a company for a reason then I will hold until that reason changes... its rather simple really...

    I went 80% all in on NWE... had I continued to hold then I would have lost pretty much my shirt, and gruds...
    The fact that I was almost blinded by the fact that I took heavy (paper) profits blurring my thoughts meant that booking paper profits could have cost me everything I had... So im not so excited about day to day changes to my wealth... im only interested on the target price to achieve, or material change to that target price (which means I dump on market, unattached, unemotional selling).....
    thats just my opinion...
    im happy with my way, I dont follow strict systems...
    and I dont lose money over the long term...
    mackdunk made 100% in 2007, and I beat him easy...
    good luck to all...

    dont be moulded into other systems... find your own system... and tinker with it...

    Last edited by Crypto Crude; 06-02-2009 at 08:05 PM.
    BITCOIN certified rat poop. NSA created, Expensive to send, slow, can only trade on cex, no autonomy, spaghetti code, has been hacked, accidental Backdoor brc20s whoops, no one building on it, alienated all cryptos against it, volume is fake, few whales control large supply... it will perform though

  8. #48
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    a entry i have had a bit of success with in drifting markets is what i call the 113% retracement.
    its kind of anticipating a fake breakout stop triggering spike below support and set your entry at this level.
    the 113 retracement is the mark in the sand for me that determines a real breakout from a head fake.

  9. #49
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    AA why are you not watching the kiwis dick the aussies in the cricket?

  10. #50
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    try this it touches on the failed wave.

    strictly surfing in breaks!


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