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  1. #1
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    Sep 2002

    Default Seeds of revolution being sown in US

    The public (sheepple) here are starting to get very agitated and vocal about the uncontrolled spending taking place in Washington. When I hear US citizens at work frustrated and have been contacting their congressman, as well as openly worried about a new world order (which the US isn't the head of). Watch out. This week a Tea Bag protest is taking place with some media supporting the effort for everyone to send a Tea Bag to the white house.

    Americans want capitalism to work and for banks, insurance companies, auto companies to be placed in bankruptcy. They do not support the $3 trillion debt funded budget to be placed on the tax payer.

    Seeds of revolution are emerging here watch out. Hard to believe but Americans now realize just how bad the US financial situation is and will become.

    Large protest is planned for April 15th (Tax Day!!) in Washington D.C. .....keep an eye on the news.....Cities have been trying to ban the protests by not issuing permits due to risk of crowd size.....
    Last edited by trendy; 30-03-2009 at 06:27 AM.
    The trend is your friend.

  2. #2
    Senior Member ananda77's Avatar
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    Financial Crisis: Sustaining Unsustainability
    by Prof. Michael Hudson

    ...G-20 message to indebted countries. "Drop Dead!"... -nothing new about that- [ed.]

    AIG: Before Credit Default Swaps, There Was Reinsurance

    ..."In the regulatory world, a 'side letter' is perhaps the most insidious and destructive weapon in the white-collar criminal's arsenal. With the flick of a pen, underhanded executives can cook the books in enormous amounts and render a regulator helpless."
    Fraud Magazine July/August 2006

    The Best Way To Rob A Bank Is To Own One
    By Bill Moyers

    ...The former Director of the Institute for Fraud Prevention (William K Black) [ed.] now teaches Economics and Law at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. During the savings and loan crisis, it was Black who accused then-house speaker Jim Wright and five US Senators, including John Glenn and John McCain, of doing favors for the S&L's in exchange for contributions and other perks. The senators got off with a slap on the wrist, but so enraged was one of those bankers, Charles Keating — after whom the senate's so-called "Keating Five" were named — he sent a memo that read, in part, "get Black — kill him dead." Metaphorically, of course. Of course...


    -NO SURPRISE>>>>>

    DEAR Wall Street,

    What a bunch of whiny f**king babies. John Galt would be puking blood for 200-pages over this load of sh**, you bunch of sobbing welfare queens. You f**ked up. You ruined everything. You broke it, and we f**king bought it, because big baby was too big baby to fail.

    We get it all ways from you motherf**kers. You're robbing us of our present and future now, but first you stepped on our throats on your way to the top. You raked in the money with a bunch of made up fantasyland bullsh** that wouldn't fool a counting horse on America's Funniest Home Videos, but somehow suckered in every major bank in the world.

    Credit default swaps.

    Those things are so f**king dumb that when you explain them to somebody and they laugh about how dumb they are you've got to act like ooooh they're so magical and complicated. Far too complex for the plebes to get. No! Wrong! Go into OTB and put fifty dollars on Rambo's Beautiful Blood. You just bought a credit default swap. Whoaaa you're blowing my simple pea brain with your fancy Wall Street talkin'. You sadsack ****ers.

    So everybody bought into your big scheme, even when they didn't know they were playing, and now the whole thing has come crashing down because too many people won the f**king unbelievably obvious bet that a million illegal immigrants were going to default on million dollar home loans. Suddenly all your stupid fake money is gone, but if it's gone the whole system of bullsh** lies collapses and you look like d**kheads. So whoopty-doo, now we gotta make the fake money turn real or else the house of sh**ty c**t cards comes crashing down, only there isn't enough real money to cover all the fake money, so we're making more real money.

    Then there's A.I.G., the bad seed, the carbuncle on our anus, the weeping wound in our tit, the sorry source of all our misery and woe. This is the monster garage full of miscreants that dreamed up the fire-breathing nitro-gulping predicament we're in right f**king now. Their financial products division created the derivatives market from lies and their executives raked in billions in bonuses and easy money. While they were peddling bad bets, median wages in the US stagnated and poor working schmucks leaned increasingly on credit to get by. Prices on everything were going up, but credit was easy to come by what with all that bullsh** money to throw around. And then the good days ended, for the poor sh**head in the middle class anyway. While you a**holes on Wall Street were lining up for your first round at the government trough, the poor f**kers that had been using credit cards to maintain their standard of living from the 1990s were beginning to lose everything. Their houses, cars, health care, and even their jobs were disappearing. F**kers at Merrill-Lynch, A.I.G., Citi Group, Bank of America, and on, and on, and f**king on were taking huge bonuses or executive compensation packages. They were "retiring" to third world countries where their fortunes would set them up like kings.

    And listen up motherf**kers, because we f**king paid for it. Us. The f**king taxpaying public. The dudes you have been grinding beneath your heels since you first read Ayn Rand and sociopathed your way through econ 101. We're your paymasters now, f**kers. And yeah, your tools in the government and in the press are between you and us for now, but we've got one trick up our sleeve. One and only recourse while you're raping us for our last f**king dollars.

    We can get ****ed. We can let the hate take over and form a f**king mob. When you take home bonuses from our money, when you get our bailouts and have your lobster luncheons or your strippers and coke parties at the Mirage, we'll be there with our torches and our f**king pitchforks. And just because you got your little crybaby letter in the New York Times, just because "the media narrative" is turning back in your favor, doesn't mean we have forgotten. We're ****ed and we know what you did.

    Jake DeSantis, you f**king narcissist, don't give me that bullsh** self-pitying resignation letter. Don't tell me you weren't the dick that has been f**king this country, just the hand on its throat. Don't make me laugh with your charity donation lesson in life. Let me give you a life lesson. We'll go through the Red Cross and the March of Dimes to get to you. We'll leave Jerry's Kids mewling and thrashing in the gutters and overturn the Salvation Army Kettle to get our f**king money back.

    You're all scum. Villains. And before this is through blood will be shed. Human blood that doesn't come out of a gigantic f**king vagina like yours, DeSantis. It's not a threat, it's a promise you're making to us.

    "Come get us," you're sneering.

    "I hope you like to eat turds from a human butt," we're sneering right back.

    Your offices will be lit from within by the fires of a thousand burning evil motherf**kers and their evil personal assistants. There will be chaos. Triple chaos. Saigon all over again. They'll be pushing G5s off the deck of an aircraft carrier to make room for the next private jet escaping New York. We'll string the filth of the NYSE from lamp posts and Rick Santelli's empty sockets will look out on the streets, choked with useless paper and cars torched for insurance money.

    The orgy of our outrage will be legendary. We'll cut off hands and feet and gouge out tender parts. We'll feed chopped up guts to dogs and rotting carcasses can fertilize urban gardens. Remember that tree they put Conan on? No, that's not for you, that's for your wives! You should be so lucky!

    The last of you, the scarred remnants of your horrible tribe, can read this to a congressional hearing, your voices quivering with indignation while pale fists hammer on the glass and cry to see your blood spill out in a red gush across the steps of the Capitol.

    You motherf**kers had better be afraid. You haven't learned your lesson yet, but we have.


    Sincerely and with warmest regards,
    Zack Parsons


    Kind Regards
    Last edited by ananda77; 05-04-2009 at 07:14 PM. Reason: addition

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002


    Notice the number of shootings here lately in the news?

    Hand gun sales are booming here as a lot of folks are scared that (1) Obama will bring in new gun control laws and (2) crime will go up with the recession. Next you have people losing their jobs and you then have a recipe for chaos.

    I'm waiting for some nut case to take revenge on Wall Street directly.....most Wall Street CEOs now have personal bodyguards.
    The trend is your friend.

  4. #4
    SRV is a God STRAT's Avatar
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    Auckland, , New Zealand.


    Very colourful Ananda77

    Dead true too :mad:

    Those at the top raping those at the bottom is no new thing. Its been the way of the world as far back as recorded history and beyond.

    Its just how humans are.

    I must say though it will cause me no pain or sadness to see a few of the ****ers highlighted there pushed out of windows or burned in their Mercs I must say.

  5. #5
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    Hamilton New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by STRAT View Post
    Very colourful Ananda77

    Dead true too :mad:

    Those at the top raping those at the bottom is no new thing. Its been the way of the world as far back as recorded history and beyond.

    Its just how humans are.

    I must say though it will cause me no pain or sadness to see a few of the ****ers highlighted there pushed out of windows or burned in their Mercs I must say.

    Agree Strat..... and History says we are doomed to forever to repeat our mistakes over time (systemic cycles) apologies to Prof Michael Hudson who thinks we should learn from them...he is a Historian (as well as an Economist) and should know better!! When has anyone listened or learn't from History? Mike..mate... time to stop fighting the system.

    A part of the economic systemic cycle is Depressions** which decimates economic parasites (rats driving their Mercs... Strat ) together with bad inefficient rules and regulations and the governing systems that operate them.
    (Economic Theory/systems theory in relationship to chaos theory)

    Depressions like Wars and Famines are all terrible events but good does come from them. Like a bad storm which washes everything clean again.

    ** severe recessions too but to a lesser extent???
    Last edited by Hoop; 27-04-2009 at 11:50 PM.

  6. #6
    SRV is a God STRAT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoop View Post
    together with bad inefficient rules and regulations and the governing systems that operate them.
    Not sure they are bad or dont work Hoop. They work fine for those who make them
    Last edited by STRAT; 28-04-2009 at 08:30 AM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by STRAT View Post
    Not sure they are bad or dont work Hoop. They work fine for those who make them
    Oh fine until the system can not sustain that type of behaviour anymore The french Revolution is an fine example of a societal group of people siphoning off too much money from the economy during a economic depression. The public tolerate pigs at the trough during economic boom times but during times of hardship.. no-way Hosie.

    History definately hasn't taught todays top management any lessons so the public during this 2008 - 20?? downturn have their knives out once again fueled by the likes of high profile idealist e.g Prof Michael Hudson

  8. #8
    SRV is a God STRAT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoop View Post
    Oh fine until the system can not sustain that type of behaviour anymore The french Revolution is an fine example of a societal group of people siphoning off too much money from the economy during a economic depression. The public tolerate pigs at the trough during economic boom times but during times of hardship.. no-way Hosie.

    History definately hasn't taught todays top management any lessons so the public during this 2008 - 20?? downturn have their knives out once again fueled by the likes of high profile idealist e.g Prof Michael Hudson
    Sure Hoop. No argument here. My only point is even now there are plenty profiting from the current circumstances they have created. They will be ready with cash in hand when its all sorted or enough time has passed. The public will neither get to see or touch them. If the public do throw a tantrum they will most likely burn down the local Dairy/7-11 or overturn a few cars owned by people who cant afford a garage
    Last edited by STRAT; 28-04-2009 at 09:34 AM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by trendy View Post
    Notice the number of shootings here lately in the news?

    Hand gun sales are booming here as a lot of folks are scared that (1) Obama will bring in new gun control laws and (2) crime will go up with the recession. Next you have people losing their jobs and you then have a recipe for chaos.

    I'm waiting for some nut case to take revenge on Wall Street directly.....most Wall Street CEOs now have personal bodyguards.
    Are there more shootings?

    Or are shootings receiving more Mainstream Media attention in partnership with current government desire to curtail/regulate?

    Anecdotally, there has been a cluster of LE deaths in the US recently from criminal use of firearms...I don't know if this is an outlier or not.

    Murder/suicides with firearms, seemingly recession/depression related, have also been on the radar.

    My guess as to the recent and massive surge in firearms and ammunition purchases in the US is it represents a rather large bubble.

    Many purchases are being made out of fear...once it subsides, a lot of firearms and ammunition will be selling at firesale prices.

    Here in NZ we have had strong growth in firearms license applications from my discussions with firearms officers an vetting personnel...lots of new folks entering the sport from what I've seen.

    Ammunition pricing has risen dramatically and availability in some calibres is quite poor compared to several years ago.

    I do expect the "Tea Party" protests, isolated riots in low-socio-economic areas, low level corruption(to match the high level corruption ), and organized crime to steadily increase moving forward.

    I was just reading about a small city in Ohio that due to a huge reduction in local government income a rather substantial percentage of police officers will be laid off this week...I think it was approx. 25%.


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