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  1. #1
    Senior Member Lego_Man's Avatar
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    Feb 2009

    Default Software Setup for Trading and Monitoring Investments

    This is a pretty broad question but what kind of setup would suit a relative (but fast learning) newbie?

    Particularly what kind of software packages can people recommend.

    I am not intending to day trade, rather to use TA to assist medium term investment decisions. Capabilities like screening by P/E, market cap etc would be very useful, as well as things like alert services.

    At the moment i'm using Incredible Charts, as it was the first free name that came up, but i havent delved into it extensively and am ignorant of other options - so i just thought i'd see what others would throw out there.

    Oh, and i am also currently using ASB Securities for all my investments/trading.

  2. #2
    Guru drillfix's Avatar
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    May 2008


    Hi LegoMan,

    Using IC should be pretty good for ya, although, it usually pays to try a few different ones to get a feel for what more features or usability suits you and also reflects your needs.

    Some require a data service which you probably know, some provide free data.

    Have a look at: and download a their free version (reg req.)
    also and as above, has some good features also.
    also Free downloand and proVer available
    as you know and also as above and heaps of good features

    If you want to get after market Data, some brokers offer this for free for either certain stocks or the whole days data for the market you specify or in the format you specify. Commsec off this, as I believe eTrade do too.j
    Just go to here and downoad the year, Month, Week , Day for whatever format you want:

    There are many other blackbox type programs and some with all the bells and whistles you can imagine. They range from Complex to Extremely Frustratingly Complex. All of them you need to spend time with to get to know What, Where, How and the more hands on you are, the better you will adapt to their usuability.

    Many folks stick with where you can get support or there is a strong userbase that use the program and can exchange info and work out scenarios or problems with also bug fixes and updates.

    Some common ones are:

    There are another easy 2 dozen that I can mention, but those are ones that I have at least had some hands on with.

    There are also some Online Services which you can subscribe to and pay for subscription for their service accordingly, but I wont go into that or mention the perks or pitfalls as can make for a lengthy discussion.

    Anyways, thats as brief for you and hope this helps you in your search for your needs.


  3. #3
    Senior Member Lego_Man's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Thanks drillifx...will have a look at those when i get the chance. My IC trial has expired so it will soon be time to pony up a bit of cash for something i think.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    , , .


    Lego Man

    Take a look at Spark

    Has many of the features you want.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Lego_Man View Post
    This is a pretty broad question but what kind of setup would suit a relative (but fast learning) newbie?

    Particularly what kind of software packages can people recommend.

    I am not intending to day trade, rather to use TA to assist medium term investment decisions. Capabilities like screening by P/E, market cap etc would be very useful, as well as things like alert services.

    At the moment i'm using Incredible Charts, as it was the first free name that came up, but i havent delved into it extensively and am ignorant of other options - so i just thought i'd see what others would throw out there.

    Oh, and i am also currently using ASB Securities for all my investments/trading.

    I use IC pro and trade daily. $180Aus per year is pretty good and they always get right back to you if you have any problems with the software. The only problem I had was I thought thier screening sortware was a bit basic as I wanted more complex setup for my screening of stocks. However since then I have found that its probaly all you need for the ASX. You get hourly snapshot data that has been delayed by 20 mins. For alerts for price action I just use the direct broking site. This goes through to my mobile which I keep next to the computer. All very basic stuff but eneough for my needs .

    Good luck and good trading


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