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  1. #11
    action-reaction arco's Avatar
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    Dec 2001


    Last week was an amazing week.

    Usd.Cad was taking long for currently around +200 pips and still holding this. Nzd.Usd (Kiwi) shorts with maximum gains of +280 pips. Aud.Jpy initial trades came good for around +240 pips, although unfortunately some later entries were stopped out.

    Managed to add 440 pips to the monthly total this week
    Aud.Jpy 240 pips, Usd.Cad Long 130 pips (so far) there is an extra 66 not counted as trade still open. Loonie Monday 3 trades 150 pips. Euro (40/80) 2 losses minus 80 pips.
    Total 440 pips making 896 for the month

    Importantly. There were also 442 Pips which were NOT added to the monthly total

    Nzd.Usd +200 pips because although I mentioned entering short in the yellow box I didn't give an exact entry level on the blog. Monarch 50 pips and run on trade extra 140 pips because this was on a test trade. Usd.Cad scalp 20 pips because it was not mentioned before trade. The missed Euro 40/80 trade 40 pips because of missed signal which happened in NZ after midnight. Loonie Monday run on trade +Max 132 pips because would have to be member monitored.

    New ‘set and forget’ systems had a good week.

    Loonie Monday gave 3 orders for a profit of +150 pips (and up to an additional +133 pips for member monitored positions). Here's the first 2 trades - there was one more later in the week for another +50 pips

    Monarch would normally give 3-5 trades per week, but unusually gave only one trade this week and +50 pips on automatic (or up around +280 pips for member monitored run on). These pips were not added to the monthly display total because we were still on test mode.

    Euro 40/80 suffered from a Bernake Spike and initially lost 80 pips. We unfortunately missed the later trade which would have added back +40 pips on automatic or 40 pips or up to 112 pips on monitored

    Looking forward to another successful week of trading on the forex markets

    Regards - Arco


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Wellington, New Zealand


    Arco, which trading platform do you recommend? I am currently using FXCM micro but am thinking about moving up.
    Regards, Blackcap

  3. #13
    action-reaction arco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2001


    Hi Blackcap

    Metatrader (MT4) is free and its the one I now use for all my charting. (All the charts on my blog are MT4).

    Rgds - arco


  4. #14
    action-reaction arco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2001


    Hello Friends

    Last week was again an amazing week and totally GREEN for many blog members, although a few did get taken in early on Monarch with a small loss due to variations in broker prices.

    Gbp.Usd was taken short for up to 303 pips, and some members hung on for more(maximum around +350 with a trailing stop or +400 if they were lucky enough to get the exact bottom of the spike). Loonie Monday and Euro 40/80 gave us a total of 90 pips on ‘set and forget’. Aud.Usd gave us 40 pips on a scalp and 160+ pips for those hanging on to the short to trend-line as indicated in the post. A few members decided to get into Nzd.Cad shorts early on the ‘looking ahead’ signal with maximum gains of circa 200 pips. The previous weeks Aud.Jpy continued down after a retrace and a few members reported hanging in for another 100+ pips.

    We added +466 pips to the monthly display this week making +1362 pips this month.

    Here’s what was added
    Gbp.Usd. Short 303 pips. Loonie Monday 1 profitable trade +40 pips. Euro (40/80) 1profitable trade +40 pips. Aud.Usd scalp +40 pips. Previous weeks Usd.Cad closed on traling stop Monday +33 pips. That makes a total 466 pips and 1362 pips for the month.
    Monarch trade – as some members gained 50 pips and some lost 50 pips I did not add or subtract anything from the weeks total.

    Importantly. Here’s +460 and potentially another +666 available pips which we DID NOT add to the monthly total

    More information on that freely available on the blog.

    Lets look forward to another successful week of trading on the forex markets

    Good weekend all



  5. #15
    action-reaction arco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2001


    Hello Friends

    Quite a slow early part of the week on the FX markets, and although we had some really good looking trades setting up with potential in the near future for around 2000 pips many of these are still in the process of coming together and we are still a day or three away from receiving a safe entry signal. So for those who are still deliberating about joining us on the blog, don’t miss out on these upcoming moves and high potential pip numbers.

    Our December Total crept up nicely in the end to +293 pips. Added pips were Nzd.Cad +5, Usd.Jpy +70 on first scalp, and +60 pips on re-entry after neck line test, Gbp.Usd scalp +32 pips (maximum available was +68). Usd.Chf scalp +20 (Maximum available was +40). Usd,Jpy short +26. Aud.Usd short so far +120. Subtracted Euro 40/80 minus 40 pips

    We added and subtracted some pips from the November total.
    Subtracted Loonie Monday minus 2 x 50 pips, and Euro 40/80 minus 40 pips. = minus 140 pips. We added on a Usd.Jpy scalp +35 pips so grand total for November +1297 pips. (from last weeks 1362).

    Pips I didn’t count in the total circa +350. Euro suggested short on post #14 (+160 pips from posting (max 260 pips)) because we didn’t enter ourselves. Usd.Cad +68 pips (suggested possibly re-entry and gave short target) because we didn’t enter a position ourselves. Aud.Usd. suggested entry higher than our entry +30. Multiple re-entries on Usd.Jpy scalps not counted.
    A word or two about Set and Forgets.

    Have a great weekend - Arco


  6. #16
    action-reaction arco's Avatar
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    Dec 2001


    It was a totally GREEN week on the blog with maximum potential of circa +1400 pips. full information on the blog under 'weekly round up'.



  7. #17
    action-reaction arco's Avatar
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    Dec 2001

    Default A totally GREEN week

    This week we added +250 pips to our monthly total on the blog, although there we other trades suggested gathering up to another +732 potential pips for participating members.
    Trade of the week - max 207 pips (south)

    I'm looking forward to next week and the many new trades we have stacking up




  8. #18
    action-reaction arco's Avatar
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    Dec 2001

    Default Green Week on the Blog

    Hello Friends

    This week we added +311 pips to our monthly total making +561, although there were other trades suggested gathering up to another circa +3000 potential pips for participating members.

    All charts and thoughts for Gold, Silver, SP500 and Oil are totally free on the blog.


    Silvers predicted move


  9. #19
    action-reaction arco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2001


    Hello Friends

    This week we added +290 pips to our monthly total making the month +851, although there were other trades suggested gathering up to another circa 900 potential pips for participating members.

    Purple Trace of the week with a maximum of 380 pips was given on Monday



  10. #20
    Adventurer Silverlight's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Hi Arco,

    Have being watching your posts for a bit and was keen to join your service, but I see subs are now closed, did you have a future timeframe for when you will be opening them up again?

    ~ * ~ De Peones a Reinas ~ * ~


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