The idea of oil at $200/b seems catastrophic to the American way of life. But people in the European Union were paying the equivalent of about $250/b for years due to high taxes. That didn't stop the EU from being the world's third-largest oil consumer. As long as people have time to adjust, they will find ways to live with higher oil prices.

Furthermore, 2020 is only three years away. Look how volatile prices have been in the last 10 years. In March 2006, a barrel of Brent Crude sold for around $60/b. It skyrocketed to $145/b in 2008. It leveled out to around $100/b in 2014. It plummeted to a 13-year low in January, then doubled to current levels. If shale oil producers go out of business, and Iran doesn't produce what it says it could, prices could return to their historical levels of $70 - $100 a barrel. OPEC is counting on it.