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Thread: Gold

  1. #7811
    FEAR n GREED JBmurc's Avatar
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    Sep 2002
    Central Otago


    exited my RMS position for small loss ... Gold really breaking down the USD (the real sentiment maker)

    Need to raise some funds for GST bill in few more weeks so time to sell some shares >>
    "With a good perspective on history, we can have a better understanding of the past and present, and thus a clear vision of the future." — Carlos Slim Helu

  2. #7812
    FEAR n GREED JBmurc's Avatar
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    Central Otago


    When those stars went supernova (collapsed in on themselves and exploded), even heavier elements were created. But it’s been “a mystery for a long time where gold and platinum come from,” Brown explains. Even supernovae are not powerful enough to create those.
    It had been theorized that a kilonova — the explosion after the merger of two neutron stars — could. And because astronomers were able to so quickly locate the merger, they confirmed this. The color and quality of the light coming from the afterglow of the explosion confirmed the creation of gold and platinum. It was like witnessing alchemy in action.
    “The gold that we see on Earth was once created in the nuclear fire of a binary [neutron star] merger,” Brown says. “I’m wearing a wedding ring right now; it’s made of platinum. I’m like holy sheet, this was made in a neutron star collision.”
    "With a good perspective on history, we can have a better understanding of the past and present, and thus a clear vision of the future." — Carlos Slim Helu

  3. #7813
    Join Date
    Feb 2016


    It's shame we physicists aren't a bit richer.

    Quote Originally Posted by JBmurc View Post
    When those stars went supernova (collapsed in on themselves and exploded), even heavier elements were created. But it’s been “a mystery for a long time where gold and platinum come from,” Brown explains. Even supernovae are not powerful enough to create those.
    It had been theorized that a kilonova — the explosion after the merger of two neutron stars — could. And because astronomers were able to so quickly locate the merger, they confirmed this. The color and quality of the light coming from the afterglow of the explosion confirmed the creation of gold and platinum. It was like witnessing alchemy in action.
    “The gold that we see on Earth was once created in the nuclear fire of a binary [neutron star] merger,” Brown says. “I’m wearing a wedding ring right now; it’s made of platinum. I’m like holy sheet, this was made in a neutron star collision.”

  4. #7814
    FEAR n GREED JBmurc's Avatar
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    Whatever central banks and politicians say, nothing has been solved. On the contrary, risk has grown exponentially since 2006. Global debt has doubled to around $230 trillion since then. If global unfunded liabilities of $250 trillion and derivatives of $1.5 quadrillion are included, the world is now staring at total liabilities and risk of $2 quadrillion.
    "With a good perspective on history, we can have a better understanding of the past and present, and thus a clear vision of the future." — Carlos Slim Helu

  5. #7815
    Join Date
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    Floating Anchor Shoals


    Had to look up what a Quadrillion is. Its a 1000 trillion. Reminds me when i was young trying to get a grasp on the Infinity symbol.
    As long as money keeps moving the illusion appears to be safe.

  6. #7816
    Senior Member stevo1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuatree View Post
    Had to look up what a Quadrillion is. Its a 1000 trillion. Reminds me when i was young trying to get a grasp on the Infinity symbol.
    As long as money keeps moving the illusion appears to be safe.
    Makes you wonder how far off it is before these figures balloon out to a Centillion.(A centillion is the largest lexicographically accepted number in the dictionary, a one followed by 303 zeroes) Seeing as inflation appears dead it is really hard to see where all these big numbers have come from,ahh quantitative easing at work .Smoke and mirrors that has inflated property ,vintage vehicles,etc,etc,etc
    .See anyone can create money out of thin air -cryptocurrency is only validated by its perceived limited numbers(bit coin 21 million) and the willingness of people to "in God we trust" it. The lunatics are in charge of the asylum.PMs though do NOT reflect this probably as much as anything to do with derivatives ,futures,cfds and other "instruments" in the ether that have cause and effect on them with nothing physical behind them other than punters betting on directions.Meanwhile money in the bank purchase power is being killed.God knows where this circus is going as an end result.Logic would suggest that it aint gonna end well=== so much for logic
    Last edited by stevo1; 11-12-2017 at 04:30 PM.

  7. #7817
    FEAR n GREED JBmurc's Avatar
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    GREED has kicked Logic well out the door well for the present time(along with FEAR backed real FACTS)>> doesn't matter where I turn at the moment I hear of MASSIVE Growth
    never-ending Building Boom ..dirt cheap money for A LONG LONG TIME..

    heard today on the radio talk single bitcoin transaction chews up enough power to power 9 average homes for a day ...TALK about destorying the planet ..soon we will have hundreds of Nuclear plants getting built just to make more magic Crytos ...what a waste of energy

    I seen today for every litre of Gas $2 my 200kw 3000cc six Legacy takes me and 1.7ton some 12-13 kms in distance...Now I find that more briliant engneering than having how much Coal burnt in some third world staving nation to make a currency thats not even a currency in sense .. to be able to not be part of our national agreed currency we all work together to pay TAXs in so we can live in a civilised nation of free healthcare policing roading etc etc

    It truely is ****ED
    Last edited by JBmurc; 11-12-2017 at 11:50 PM.
    "With a good perspective on history, we can have a better understanding of the past and present, and thus a clear vision of the future." — Carlos Slim Helu

  8. #7818
    Guru Crypto Crude's Avatar
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    you have not done the research that it takes to even be giving any advice whatsoever about crypto...
    BITCOIN certified rat poop. NSA created, Expensive to send, slow, can only trade on cex, no autonomy, spaghetti code, has been hacked, accidental Backdoor brc20s whoops, no one building on it, alienated all cryptos against it, volume is fake, few whales control large supply... it will perform though

  9. #7819
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    There seems to be some mysticism around 'cryptos' that IMO is a veneer used to justify their current price.

    It's like you have to understand 'the matrix' behind these things to truly be able to comment on them.

    Well I don't buy that.

    The mystique and the reasoning put forward is fluff, but it is used as a way of shouting down anyone who would warn against this crazy speculative bubble: "Hey, you don't understand it, therefore you can't comment. We who get it, we can speak on it informatively and tell everyone how valuable it is and why it will be going much, much higher".

    Anyone who owns Bitcoin's (or other crypto's) will find the above to be a very valuable tool in telling others to shut-up. It is a cloak of assumed intellectual superiority wielded to fuel a speculative bubble.

    The bottom line is that there is nothing of intrinsic value at the core of Bitcoin. It does not have the backing of 'full faith and credit', it is not backed by PM's, it is not a PM itself.

    Whoever put the 'Bitcoin' proposition together has endeavoured to appropriate the properties of Gold and dress Bitcoin up in them. 'Mining' Bitcoin, "hey, it's scarce", photo's of 'physical Bitcoins' styled out of Golden metal.....pretty obvious what is going on here.

    This operates a bit like a religion. When it has very few people engaging with it is a 'cult', now it has millions going nuts it is treated as a respectable entity.

  10. #7820
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    Good on all the people who have made a fortune with cryptocurrencies. Shame about the gold price though. If crypto's are a bubble and some cryptocurrencies crash and go to zero it might give people pause for thought about govt backed fiat currencies and how these are being debased by things such as quantitative easing and negative interest rates. How simple it has been to add to the money supply. If crypto's can go to zero theoretically so could fiat currencies if people lose faith in them.

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