Hi Vince,

For the last week or so I have been unbale to display threads in sharetrader via my dial up account. I can download pages as far as the list of topics on each forum. Then when I click on a particular topic, the loading bar on the bottom RHS of the screen goes all the way across and the screen just hangs blankly. I can view the thread only by disconnecting my dial up connection at this point.

Then all the posts appear, but I get a message 'cannot connect to ad server' where the ad should be. In some ways I don't mind as it means I will never see any of your ads ever again. But do your advertisers realise that with your current system, possibly you entire remaining dial up audience has ad blank glasses on, possibly for good? I use the K-meleon browser, which is a lite version of Mozilla.

I should add that Sharetrader is the only site I have struck that behaves like this. Sharechat is O.K.