Just wondering if anyone has any recommendations for an accountant in Auckland. It would also be good to know what kind of hourly rate I'd be looking at to use them.

My affairs are getting a bit too messy for me to organize myself, plus recently I am spending a lot of time overseas.

I would need an accountant able to deal with the following:

- Investment property (standard stuff)
- Share portfolio (Aussie shares, with some leveraging against my mortgage, but essentially standard stuff)
- Self-employed income (standard stuff)
- Small NZ-registered company (involving some guys besides myself) that is very active overseas (this could be complicated - income is mostly in NZ but much of the expenses and activity occur overseas).

Anyone got any suggestions? Does the overseas stuff really complicate things?

The sums of money involved are relatively trivial. We're talking tens of thousands of bucks, not millions. Wish it was millions though. . .

Guess I'm asking whether I need to go with some big accounting firm, or whether any small-business accountant (provided they are a non-idiot) can handle this stuff.