Man Gemino up 15% or so last few months, inconceivable!.

Yes I think having unhedged overseas shares in your kiwisaver is easy and balances your $NZ assets like bank deposits, australasian shares, your house and job.

With Superlife you can choose between 1 and 100% of any pool. There is also an emerging markets pool which meets the overseas unhedged criteria. I think the ethical fund has quite a lot of unhedged overseas shares and bonds - oh no only 25% at the moment. It's all there on the website.

Overseas shares is currently 50% US, 10% Japan. Mobil, Apple, IBM, Nestle, AT &T Microsoft, Chevron, General Electric etc

Emerging markets is in funds with in decending order 13% China, Brazil, India, Taiwan, Korea, South Africa 8%, Mexico, Russia, Poland

Anyway why are the Greens wanting the government to offer a cheap Kiwisaver option run in a non profit manner when there is Superlife which already does that?
And why don't PSIS & Kiwibank use Superlife who are the best and cheapest and local...?
In fact if the big default institutions used Superlife and charged their 3% and cost is 1% surely they would make more money? I don't know...