  1. #14011
    ShareTrader Legend Beagle's Avatar
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    Property and retirement companies have special rules. Most professional investors and analysts with respect to retirement companies look at underlying profit anyway which strips out unrealised valuation gains and takes them off to a safe place called embedded value where they stay until they are realised. Sorry, No more accounting standard discussion for this dog today.
    Ecclesiastes 11:2: “Divide your portion to seven, or even to eight, for you do not know what misfortune may occur on the earth.
    Ben Graham - In the short run the market is a voting machine but in the long run the market is a weighing machine

  2. #14012
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beagle View Post
    I must be out of date with the very latest rocket science IFRS accounting standards. It seems weird to me that just because the shares they own in another company have gone up they are reporting that as part of their realised profit for the year ? Dumb out of date crusty old suburban bean counter I am. All my training was a profit cannot be reported as such until it is real profit, i.e. realised.

    This modern approach of counting profits (while something is in escrow and cannot be sold) is lost on me. IFRS16 accounting for leases another "fine" example that makes me wonder if the academic accounting boffins in Brussels or Switzerland or wherever they promulgate their latest idea's, haven't got enough to do ? Maybe its time to retire and forget about all this stupid nonsense...

    Lending money unsecured to people heading into a Covid deep recession based on a whole bunch of assumptions they probably dredged up from GFC days and loaded onto a digital platform also seems like a situation where it surely begs the question, what could possibly go wrong

    Thankfully there's the old fashioned reverse equity loans that are simple to understand, have very good net interest margins and you're lending money to people that will definitely pay it back from their estate. Best part of HGH's business model by a VERY VERY long way and easily understandable !!
    I'm with on that one Beagle - in my distant past training revaluation gains (loss) were taken direct
    to Revaluation Reserve & not through P&P account

    On the positive - a rough back of the card tot up suggests HGH's Harmoney gain looks like 4.75 - 4.9 cps across
    HGH issued capital, ignoring ins & outs of of effects of restrictions on their disposal, working on roughly NZ 35.0 cps
    ingoing in 2014 - which may or may not be the case
    Last edited by nztx; 20-11-2020 at 10:13 PM.

  3. #14013
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beagle View Post
    I must be out of date with the very latest rocket science IFRS accounting standards. It seems weird to me that just because the shares they own in another company have gone up they are reporting that as part of their realised profit for the year ? Dumb out of date crusty old suburban bean counter I am. All my training was a profit cannot be reported as such until it is real profit, i.e. realised.

    This modern approach of counting profits (while something is in escrow and cannot be sold) is lost on me. IFRS16 accounting for leases another "fine" example that makes me wonder if the academic accounting boffins in Brussels or Switzerland or wherever they promulgate their latest idea's, haven't got enough to do ? Maybe its time to retire and forget about all this stupid nonsense...

    Lending money unsecured to people heading into a Covid deep recession based on a whole bunch of assumptions they probably dredged up from GFC days and loaded onto a digital platform also seems like a situation where it surely begs the question, what could possibly go wrong

    Thankfully there's the old fashioned reverse equity loans that are simple to understand, have very good net interest margins and you're lending money to people that will definitely pay it back from their estate. Best part of HGH's business model by a VERY VERY long way and easily understandable !!
    Much to even my surprise I have seen that indeed there are different accounting practises and different way accountants do stuff. I have have had three different accountants and I learn something from each of them. I am now using a chartered accountant and the way they do things is extraordinary in regards to legal tax minimisation. The world is constantly changing in the accounting world as my current accountant starts at 8.30am and leaves the office around 7pm most nights. I have come to discover that some accountants are just glorified bookkeepers.

  4. #14014
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    Can someone help knock off that big wall of resistance at 1.45..

  5. #14015
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    Quote Originally Posted by sb9 View Post
    Can someone help knock off that big wall of resistance at 1.45..
    I wonder if I offer them a crisp $5 note for all those shares

  6. #14016
    Legend peat's Avatar
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    Whanganui, New Zealand.


    An article from Business Desk talks about the Australian ‘Retirement Income Review’ released last week and it seems happy with their 9% contribution on the basis that retirees use their capital more efficiently which means they should use Reverse Mortgages to ACCESS THEIR EQUITY!

    Regulators are now encouraging RELS so they dont have to raise contribution rates to 12% (which slows economy down) .

    gotta be good tail winds for HGH
    For clarity, nothing I say is advice....

  7. #14017
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    Keeps getting slammed every time it tries move up a bit, wonder if ASM on Monday will break the shackles...

  8. #14018
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    How long until Reserve Bank releases it's straight jacket on banks paying dividends ?

    should that happen - take the brake off - who knows $2 or further north could be likely ..

    I may be wrong, but in comparison to the rest of the market HGH looks to me to be undervalued ..
    Last edited by nztx; 28-11-2020 at 05:18 PM.

  9. #14019
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ggcc View Post
    I wonder if I offer them a crisp $5 note for all those shares

    I'd be quick if I were you - in a few months time your crisp note might only afford a matching pair ..

  10. #14020
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    I thought it was ending in March. Sure I read that somewhere..

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