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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulman View Post
    Can't be any better near doubling your dosh in 3 months can it Colin.
    Agreed Soulman, although I haven't held for quite that long. Your comments, Drillfix, are also noted with thanks, and I agree that would-be buyers at present look to be insufficient to take up all the offerings by holders looking to take advantage of the rise in sp following the latest announcements. I don't intend to cut and run at this stage, though, as I would expect any weakening to be short-lived.

    Another goldie that seems to be making a bit of a run again is IGR, where some of the key indicators are looking favourable. I used to hold, a year or so ago, but this latest rally had slipped beneath my radar and I may have left it a bit late to take full advantage of.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by COLIN View Post

    Another goldie that seems to be making a bit of a run again is IGR, where some of the key indicators are looking favourable. I used to hold, a year or so ago, but this latest rally had slipped beneath my radar and I may have left it a bit late to take full advantage of.
    I see that IGR have been issued with a speeding ticket. In their response they have drawn attention to recent Brokers' Reports upgrading target prices.

  3. #13
    Guru drillfix's Avatar
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    Hey Colin,

    Well done for holding your ground mate, pays not to listen to anybody except your own intuition.

    Each day or week is new, so never ending surprises in these markets ehhh~!
    --> Watch THRIVE 2011 a must watch Doco! --> Also watch ETHOS 2011 & share the Awareness~!

  4. #14
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    Nice results. Australian based producers will become more popular as countries like Ghana seek to increase their tax on gold miners, in this case from 25% to 35% plus a 10% windfall tax............

    I will continue to hold these unless there is a major meltdown in the sector which appears unlikely but you never know.

  5. #15
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    Floating Anchor Shoals


    Listening to latest presentation everything sounds great, reducing costs 30% bringing things in house , no debt, plans in place for increasing plant and mining towards 200,000 oz a year, stage 1 Paulsens(carbon and leach) to 100,000 0z ($70mill fcf)stage 2 Ashburton , new project 100,000 oz. Sulphide project and oxide potential .Re $80 million in cash and bullion the bank , 8 levels of activity underground atm, great grades, increased to 2.5gm ,96% recovery from bacteria oxideationprocess,, accelerating project 2 ,3 underground drills, results monthly. Want to put out a reserve on the Sulphides by year end.2012 guidance in feb 75 ,80,000 0z @ 600 to $650 generate $35 million. Paulsens voyager lode strike length up to 550 metros with good grades. mkt cap re $270 mill . Enterprise value $186 million ( 2 to 3 years cash-flow out of mine). Paulsens and ashburton projects both with upgrades. Paulsens bought for $40 million paid off in 8 months!. Voyager 2 maybe bigger than voyager 1 with spectacular grade hits. madien resource this year could be 5 yo 6 year production . Ore body to date 1250 oz per vert metre!. Significant exploration upside , $20 million allocated. 115 geological targets! Picked up $30,million data base with mine purchase. Parallel offset sections at paulsens no 1 target . same geology etc to replicate Paulsens maybe 5 offsets. Highest grade ore body in country ? Managemnet group on site 5 years plus. One year to construct ashburton mine ready end of 2014? say $35 million extra cost for bacterial oxidation, complete mill cost unknown 8gm tonne.. Ideally placed for acquisitions as market bodies crash.Aiming for $1 to $1half billion mkt cap in 3 years. Management own 20% of company .

    Be good to hear some negatives.And timing on buying in ,tricky business. cheers.

  6. #16
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    One thing for sure JT is that expensive mining contractors are killing the boom and will ultimately end it. Greed has once again kill the market as it always does.

    Chart wise, I won't touch it with a pole. I have been hurt lately for being stubborn and stubborness cost a lot of money. Sold RMS for 81 and NST for 89. Both for losses. They seems like a great escape but I still got plenty of dogs that are dragging me down. Last week was the worst week of my life so far. To think I shoulda learn from AUG last year or the GFC days. But I always make the same common and simple mistake. And the reason.......GREED and STUBBORNESS always get me. I was up nearly 30% from Jan this year (4 to 5 months) and I have almost wipe those gains out. Just venting at midnight. I supposed still positive for the year is not a bad news. But at the high, I was king of the world. Nevertheless, more experience under my belt I supposed.

    Maybe a good time to buy NST at 50 flat cents, when it gets there.
    Last edited by soulman; 15-05-2012 at 04:12 AM.

  7. #17
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    Sorry to hear Soulman;pulling the trigger and selling has been the hardest thing for me too , my ego also gets in the way . Twice I've recovered all my losses and more to pre GFC levels plus, and my instincts were to take profits ;i didn't and lost all that ground. Luckily now,i have a mentor or two who can see the bigger picture and they hammer away at me until i see it too. So been sitting on cash for months waiting and looks like the waiting to buy may be worth it soon.

    NST do a lot of the mining work themselves now hence the 30% savings eliminating contractors . 50c wouldn't surprise me at all, PGI,RED,MML,SLR others on my gold shopping sale list too.

  8. #18
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    No worries JT. Looking for opps as usual. Just need to re-hash my strategy from this landslide....all in the space of one week in APR and one day last week.

  9. #19
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    NST looking to buy a company at this time. Market might not like this.

  10. #20
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    Got a lot of puzzled discussion with few positive vibes. Looks like NST maybe buying a shareholding in VXR (and become the 2nd biggest),, with copper and zinc resources in Aus ;still an explorer with high cap exp , needing to raise re$236 million according to some. Still havnt bought any NST atp was waiting for an entry , and RED looked better buying .


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