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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Shares firmed a bit, back to 1.8, 1.9 cents. Amg about to start drilling at Mullaby project, Burra. There shares havent firmed much if any with the impending exploration. Apparently the geology they are targeting extends into IVR's tenements. So some potential for Investigator to benefit if they find something. Citic have been selling down their shareholding in ivr the last few months from holding 14% end of August. Can't have to many left. They need funds for an iron ore project in West Australia or something.
    So things are ticking along. Silver back above $17 US today. Waiting for Maslins. A bit dull.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    only 30 + hours to get your 2020 picks in .... about ONE DAY
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Sorry don't have picks for the competition. Focus is on IVR though am ambivalent on its prospects. If they havent started drilling at Maslins it should be any day now. They are counting there chickens already on HC, OZL are going to take over, share swap.... It will need to be a good deposit to make mining worth while, 600 metres before mineralisation is lightly to start. It will take at least one or two years of drilling to confirm the size of the resource and economics of mining. Then at least another 7 or 8 years for approvals and construction. I vaguely recall Prominent Hill has 10 years of life left, so it seems to me they could relocate a lot of the gear if Maslins is a goer. But I can't see IVR would be a compelling target even if the drills show some promising mineralisation. OZL will earn 70% of the resource from Joint venturing the drill program up to $10m. All just conjecture at this stage. Silver looks to have plateaued for the time being. I could sell up now and make around 10 to 20% since holding from July/sept. (selling up to .023 lately) but I will sit it out, review my holding in April. Read somewhere not long ago that investing should be like watching paint dry, if you want excitment take your money to a casino. Another quote that is apt is a long term holding is a short term one that didn't work out.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    The corona virus has me rattled. Put my IVR holding on the market this morning at 0.024. But sales only made it to 0.023 so still holding. Will think things over, over the weekend. Actually am a bit fearful. In a month I may be out of work and have my capital decimated. Not a lot I can do. I won't be the only one facing this prospect. Could possibly get some word of the visuals on the first drill hole next week, must be into the target 600 metres plus at Maslins. The price of silver holding around or just under $18 US. Possibly the economic uncertainty will give precious metals a boost. But silver being an industrial metal and China being an important consumer it could cause a slump in silver prices. My opinion is corona is going to take an economic toll on the Australian sharemarket. Am not sure how badly IVR will be hit, will depend on how the drilling goes, how the silver market goes and how the market and economy goes. Might have to sit it out.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    I don't fear getting the virus myself one day. The fatality rate is low and those that succumb often have underlying health problems. I suppose it could mutate but risk looks remote from here. Not so confident about IVR's health prospects. Could still do OK but I can't see how any one can be sure of any out come.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Had my shares for sale at 0.024 at the end of last week. Still there monday night so thought things are holding up well i might as well hold so tried to cancel sell order, but the cancel wouldn't work (ASB). Sent an email off to brokers. Tuesday night they had sold. Not to worried, all things considered probably best its sold, even if they take off with some discovery. Will consider buying back in at some stage. I have done OK.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Shares are down to 1.8 cents. Presumably because of general market weakness corona virus etc... IVR made an announcement to market a week or so ago about drilling progress. First hole got to 850 metres and then a problem occurred and they couldnt retrieve the core any more. They backed up to something like 550m and started another hole on a slightly different line from the first. This should be down to the target of 1000m by now unless there have been more problems. They said the cores had come out good in the original hole but not explaining the anomalies they are targeting. This disheartened some share holders. So awaiting progress on drilling report.
    Put in an order for 500,000 at 1.7 cents Wednesday night but not sure it will get filled any time soon.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Order got filled. Probably the outlook is for further softening next week. Might buy a few more.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Finally got the drilling update and it wasn't positive. Went down to almost 1200 metres. The cores not showing mineralisation and not explaining the anomalies they were targeting. Starting hole 2, 800 metres from the first drill. Not sure if this writes off maslins or not. Shares heading lower, 1.4/1.5 cents. At 1.5 has a market cap of 12.7m, had 4million cash in December.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Thinking about it some more. My reading of the announcement is their research indicated a potential mineral deposit at 600 to 800 metres. In drilling the first hole they found nothing up to 1200 metres. They still think there is something there but it is beyond 1200metres. Presumably they stopped drilling because of the cost and the likekly hood mining at that depth is uneconomic if they did find something. I am no geologist but I imagine the different types of rock are in layers, it seems to me drilling 800 metres away the likekly hood is for more of the same. There are some good geologists on HC but they havent posted yet. I am thinking a few people who were holding for the potential at Maslins will now sell, cut their loses. I think that the shares could now drop below a cent in this market. Paris is not going to be producing in the forseable future. The company can survive but only silver bugs are going to see the positives. Probably I should sell at these levels and buy in lower but I think I will wait to see a clearer picture.


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