  1. #14251
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    Quote Originally Posted by fungus pudding View Post
    Greens have some sensible envoiromenta policies, but their financial and social ideas are right off this planet.
    Too true but as I said they would be on a tight lead and would get little say in those other areas, this coalition would get stable Govt formed quickly and cut NZF out of the race in short order.

  2. #14252
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    Quote Originally Posted by couta1 View Post
    Too true but as I said they would be on a tight lead and would get little say in those other areas, this coalition would get stable Govt formed quickly and cut NZF out of the race in short order.
    But would fly to bits the minute National wanted to cut taxes or anything else that made sense.

  3. #14253
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    Quote Originally Posted by fungus pudding View Post
    Greens have some sensible environmental policies, but their financial and social ideas are right off this planet.
    Whereas National have some sensible environmental policies but their tax policies of placing all the burden on wage/salary earners is indefensible

  4. #14254
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    if I were Winston I'd enter into confridence and supply with National but not Coalition. History and Countries are littered with the debris of Junior Coalition partners. Take Britain and the Liberal Deomocrats....

    Besides, NZF doesn't have any MPs of Cabinet rank calibre.

  5. #14255
    always learning ... BlackPeter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt Pepper View Post
    Whereas National have some sensible environmental policies but their tax policies of placing all the burden on wage/salary earners is indefensible
    All of the burden?

    Last time I checked: NZ has
    • a 15% GST - which is paid by everybody, not just wage / salary earners;
    • a range of consumption taxes which are paid by everybody (petrol, alcohol, tobacco) which are linked to the consumption of the respective articles, not to wage / salary earning;
    • a comprehensive income tax which includes speculators and traders - not just wage / salary earners;
    • rates which are paid by property owners, no link to wage / salary;

    And you are saying that wage/salary earners carry all of the burden? Open the other eye Sgt. Pepper, your post does not compute.
    "Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future" (Niels Bohr)

  6. #14256
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt Pepper View Post
    Whereas National have some sensible environmental policies but their tax policies of placing all the burden on wage/salary earners is indefensible
    Whatever tax system is in place it ultimately must come from the wage and salary earners, either directly or indirectly. My own view is to make income taxes low and flat and raise consumption taxes. (Don't punish people for earning - clobber them a bit when they spend it) It's also the best way to raise the dollars from tourists, who currently do get off a bit light. On that point, Act's policy of sharing GST 50% with the local authority who issues building consents sounds simple and sensible.

  7. #14257
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    There has been comment on the demise of the Maori party but I like Colin James comment " Act is Knackered "
    National may have to drop Seymour to accomodate NZF


  8. #14258
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    Quote Originally Posted by minimoke View Post
    The big risk for the Greens is they may loose even more relevance. NZ First environmental policy key planks are ensuring there is a balance between economic progress and environmental goals as well as making rivers and lakes swimmable. If progress is made on these goals Greens may just slip under 5% and then never having been in government and with decades of wasted opportunity. Now is their one big chance to secure their legacy.
    They told their supporters prior to voting who they would go back track on that now means they lose their key support regardless in three years time...

  9. #14259
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    Quote Originally Posted by fungus pudding View Post
    Whatever tax system is in place it ultimately must come from the wage and salary earners, either directly or indirectly. My own view is to make income taxes low and flat and raise consumption taxes. (Don't punish people for earning - clobber them a bit when they spend it) It's also the best way to raise the dollars from tourists, who currently do get off a bit light. On that point, Act's policy of sharing GST 50% with the local authority who issues building consents sounds simple and sensible.
    I agree that for tax to be fair it should be applied as thinly and as evenly as possible. One of the crazy things about Working For Families is that a family with 2 children who earn $52000 pay, in effect no tax at all. Many years ago, on a modest income with 3 young children, I had to pay my share of income tax, mind you that was way prior to WFF.
    Oh my goodness... I am agreeing with Fungus!

  10. #14260
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt Pepper View Post
    I agree that for tax to be fair it should be applied as thinly and as evenly as possible. One of the crazy things about Working For Families is that a family with 2 children who earn $52000 pay, in effect no tax at all. Many years ago, on a modest income with 3 young children, I had to pay my share of income tax, mind you that was way prior to WFF.
    Oh my goodness... I am agreeing with Fungus! can also come from capital..most people that have wealth in NZ have made it through capital gains..usually tax free. I and most people I know did.

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