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  1. #5011
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    Interesting excerpt from an article by Andrea Vance, goes someway to explain whale oils antagonism to Steven Joyce. Also shows there is friction within National not just Labour.

    “It will come as no surprise to political observers that Mr Lusk is on Team Collins. "My impression is that Judith has a better rapport with the donor base and a bigger team than Steven [Joyce], with more people who are able to take on crucial roles in campaigning and fundraising and within the party."
    Both Justice Minister Collins and Employment Minister Joyce are not ready to rebuild the National Party from opposition, he believes.
    And he has a cryptic warning for Mr Joyce. "Unfortunately for Steven, he has not chosen his staff wisely. Some of them lack grace when dealing with backbenchers. Treating those who vote for the leader like something unpleasant on the sole of your shoe is unlikely to see backbench votes fall in behind Steven."
    Indeed, it is this bitter relationship with Mr Joyce that some cite as the reason why the party distances itself from Mr Lusk. One source described him this week as "politically bubonic".
    Earlier this month, Prime Minister John Key said: "I think I once described [Lusk] on a scale of 1 to 10, as minus-1."
    A source says that after Mr Lusk's success with candidates in the 2008 election there was a push by some MPs to have him involved in the national election campaign.
    "It was seen in the hierarchy as him pushing for a very specific role, undermining the role of the campaign chair, Steven Joyce," a source said. "That's lethal and there was a backlash."
    There was also substantiated concern that he was using a "carrot and stick" approach to attracting clients. The carrot was his skills, the stick was unfavourable coverage on the Whaleoil blog. These were whispers, which no-one ever came forward to confirm. Mr Lusk is "blunt, but I wouldn't say nasty", the source say.
    When the National Party came whispering to me that being associated with Cam was bad for my career I told them that Cam's tenure meant he was too important to drop as a career," Mr Lusk says.”


  2. #5012
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    CNI area NZ


    I wonder what Andrea Vance thinks of the Hager book. That's a smart National party TV ad, by the way. Kinda blows away the Labour ad I saw a preview of, if you're a non-thinking voter.

    I'm an employer, but I remember what it was like working for a pay packet (it's a lot easier and less risky, certainly).

    This article from the CTU relays the point of view of workers, and there are a lot of them (not as many as there should be).

    More on the Judith Collins episode, a video just released an hour ago. Note the shaky John Key, who does get through the interview without walking off, but faces a barrage of increasingly tricky questions. Reading between the lines, if National manages to squeak back in, and they shouldn't, then Judith Collins will be without major portfolios. She's untouchable at the moment though.

    More damage for the career of Judith Collins, here's a not-so-subtle $20,000, Aaron, for finding that unprotected hole in the Labour Party servers.
    Last edited by elZorro; 20-08-2014 at 09:25 PM.

  3. #5013
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    Here's the Planet Key video, for those who may have missed seeing it in full. It just keeps on getting better. Great skills from the musicians and the animator on show here. I really liked those political caricature TV shows we used to have. If more money comes back into the creative sector, we might see them again.

    The SIS oOIA procedures that helped out Whale Oil, while real journalists had to wait, are being checked by the Inspector General, Cheryl Gwyn. She reports to the Prime Minister.

    It would seem that this is one area where National has not chucked out a lot of bureaucrats, they've expanded the office quite a bit. So Ms Gwyn will not be lacking in resources. We should have an answer well before the election.
    Last edited by elZorro; 20-08-2014 at 09:37 PM.

  4. #5014
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    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by belgarion View Post
    Sorry, stopped reading at that point. In what world are you in that Slater could ever be considered "reasonable". A world inhabited by nasty, sleazy, tax dodging criminals? Is this what Planet Key looks like? Be an apologist for Slater and all who associate with him if you like backing losers ... More fool you.
    And that's just Slater reporting on the Loonie Left so you are right of course. Somebody has to pen Labours bad.

  5. #5015
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    Nov 2013

    Default Lastest Roy Morgan Poll

    Party Support

    • National 48.0% (+2.0%)
    • Labour 27.5% (-2.5%)
    • Green 11.5% (-0.5%)
    • NZ First 6.5% (+1.5%)
    • Maori 1.0% (+0.5%)
    • United Future 0.5% (nc)
    • ACT 0.5% (nc)
    • Mana/Internet 2.5% (nc)
    • Conservative 1.0% (nc)
    This poll was taken during the Dirty Politics with Hagers stolen/hacked emails being altered and cool stories added. Looks like Labour took the blame and is 2.5% down. Ha, ha, ha, serves them right. It has hit National too though, they are only up, yep that's right, up 2.5%. That's a whopping 5% swing in Nationals favor right there. NZ First may be the biggest beneficiary of a discredited National Government attempt by Left wing criminals stealing & hacking emails rather than the main opposition Labour and Greens parties.” NZ First were up 1.5 points to 6.5%. Hager & the fatmann will be spewing, his beloved Green party down 0.5 points to 11.5% & all left wing parties down 3% overall. I feel they should be way less than this considering criminal Nicky Hager's link with the Greens.
    Projected Seats

    • National 58
    • Labour 34
    • Green 14
    • ACT 1
    • Maori 3
    • United Future 1
    • Mana/Internet 3
    • NZ First 8
    • Total 122

    This is based on no change in electorate seats.
    Now time to put the heat on Nicky Hager and Kim Dot Com, plus David Cunliffe's ill advised support of this criminal activity.

    It has been another fine day in paradise has it not?

    It seems the left wing fanboys can't knock the smile off my face as hard as they try.

  6. #5016
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    Cuzzie, this was a very low-tech poll, under 1000 voters, and for 10 out of the 14 days it was conducted, the "Dirty Politics" book had not been exposed. Even then, details were slow to filter out. The press have only started to adjust their questioning more directly, this week.

    I think I'll enjoy waiting for the next poll.

    Roy Morgan: During the beginning of the polling period Labour held its formal campaign launch and amongst other things promised free GP visits for all aged over 65. Also during the early period the media had a heavy focus on the minor parties and in particular ACT and Internet/Mana.
    There was also a great deal of coverage of “dirty politics” in particular billboard vandalism with anti-Semitic overtones and youths burning effigies of John Key.Electors were asked: “If a New Zealand Election were held today which party would receive your party vote?” This latest New Zealand Roy Morgan Poll on voting intention was conducted by telephone – both landline and mobile telephone, with a NZ wide cross-section of 809 electors from August 4-17, 2014. Of all electors surveyed 6.5% (unchanged) didn’t name a party.
    Breaking News? If only it wasn't a scam.
    Last edited by elZorro; 20-08-2014 at 11:17 PM.

  7. #5017
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    Some of the young Nats have been buying the "Dirty Politics" book and burning them, apparently funded by the National Party. 202 copies in Hamilton alone, yesterday? Those books would have cost $7070. That'll put a dent in the campaign funds, but won't stop the inquisition! digs through to the facebook pages discussing it.

    Stuff story on this:

    I have lent out my valuable first edition book to another Labour supporter. I will need to get it back, those desperate young Nats might purloin it!

    You have to wonder, at what age do some National supporters get the message that it's OK to destroy the opposition, to lie about things like burning books, to renege on paying for their share of the roading, schools and hospitals, etc.

    On a lighter note:

    Every Hager book that is still for sale in NZ, should be under lock and key. It should only be sold at the low retail price of $35, and in quantities of one, and then only if the purchaser is able to recite (word for word) all of Labour's policies, swear allegiance to Helen Clark and David Cunliffe, and prostrate themselves at the altar/locked cabinet of "Dirty Politics".
    Last edited by elZorro; 21-08-2014 at 08:22 AM.

  8. #5018
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    Nov 2013

    Default EZ, you said apparently - yep it was a rumor Curwen Rolinson from NZ First is a LIAR!

    Quote Originally Posted by elZorro View Post
    Some of the young Nats have been buying the "Dirty Politics" book and burning them, apparently funded by the National Party. 202 copies in Hamilton alone, yesterday? Those books would have cost $7070. That'll put a dent in the campaign funds, but won't stop the inquisition! digs through to the facebook pages discussing it.

    Stuff story on this:

    I have lent out my valuable first edition book to another Labour supporter. I will need to get it back, those desperate young Nats might purloin it!

    You have to wonder, at what age do some National supporters get the message that it's OK to destroy the opposition, to lie about things like burning books, to renege on paying for their share of the roading, schools and hospitals, etc.

    On a lighter note:

    Every Hager book that is still for sale in NZ, should be under lock and key. It should only be sold at the low retail price of $35, and in quantities of one, and then only if the purchaser is able to recite (word for word) all of Labour's policies, swear allegiance to Helen Clark and David Cunliffe, and prostrate themselves at the altar/locked cabinet of "Dirty Politics".
    Rumours doing the rounds on social media yesterday suggested a group of Young Nats in Hamilton might take matters into their own hands and dispose of a large stock of the dreaded book.It’s not exactly on the same scale as the book burnings of the Nazi regime or the anti-communist McCarthy era but social media was yesterday buzzing with rumours of an imminent book burning at Waikato University.
    The head of the Waikato Students’ Union and a former member of the Young Nats is alleged to have bought 202 copies of Hager’s book to burn.
    Aaron Letcher has denied the claims, but the leader of NZ First Youth and a Waikato University source, who asked not to be named, said he did.
    Letcher said the claims were false.
    “There is nothing to it. I saw the allegations on Facebook by a NZ First person”
    The Facebook page Letcher was referring to belongs to NZ First Youth leader Curwen Rolinson, who posted: “So apparently, the CNI Young Nats (and, assumedly, the NZ Young Nats) are buying up copies of Nicky Hager’s #DirtyPolitics . . . and burning them.”

    Rumors EZ Rumors, but what else do we expect for the Loonie Left and their dirty tricks?

    "Most of the above was Nicky Hagered by me"

  9. #5019
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuzzie View Post
    Rumours doing the rounds on social media yesterday suggested a group of Young Nats in Hamilton might take matters into their own hands and dispose of a large stock of the dreaded book.It’s not exactly on the same scale as the book burnings of the Nazi regime or the anti-communist McCarthy era but social media was yesterday buzzing with rumours of an imminent book burning at Waikato University.
    The head of the Waikato Students’ Union and a former member of the Young Nats is alleged to have bought 202 copies of Hager’s book to burn.
    Aaron Letcher has denied the claims, but the leader of NZ First Youth and a Waikato University source, who asked not to be named, said he did.
    Letcher said the claims were false.
    “There is nothing to it. I saw the allegations on Facebook by a NZ First person”
    The Facebook page Letcher was referring to belongs to NZ First Youth leader Curwen Rolinson, who posted: “So apparently, the CNI Young Nats (and, assumedly, the NZ Young Nats) are buying up copies of Nicky Hager’s #DirtyPolitics . . . and burning them.”

    Rumors EZ Rumors, but what else do we expect for the Loonie Left and their dirty tricks?

    "Most of the above was Nicky Hagered by me"

    I have no idea whether people have been buying this book to burn or not. nor do I care. My only comment is anyone who thinks they can burn books faster than a printing press can replace them is deluded. They should short-circuit the process by sending 50% of the money to the author and spending the other 50% advertising the book. that should achieve the same result.

  10. #5020
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    Quote Originally Posted by fungus pudding View Post
    I have no idea whether people have been buying this book to burn or not. nor do I care. My only comment is anyone who thinks they can burn books faster than a printing press can replace them is deluded. They should short-circuit the process by sending 50% of the money to the author and spending the other 50% advertising the book. that should achieve the same result.
    No, FP, this sort of behaviour is understandable. We've had 6 years of propaganda from National, who steadily realised that once they had control of the information systems in NZ, they could feed spurious details to bloggers and the press and keep themselves clean. I couldn't understand why Labour didn't get there in 2011, when their policies were also better for most NZers, but they were being squashed in the press repeatedly. The Hager Book explains it.

    National will deny as much as they can, try to stop the general public getting interested enough to read the details for themselves,delay, delay, delay. They had a good head start before the book came out, and it takes weeks for public sentiment to change, usually. It's a gamble they're prepared to take, no matter how evasive (smarmite) John Key looks.

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