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Thread: Hello!

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Hello!

    Thought I'd join up here as I am currently take some eggs out of their single basket (the bank) and putting it in the market, something I've kept an eye on for some time but never really acted on.

    I'll come clean right now and admit I bought into Snakk at 30 cents, luckily not many though, so I see the loss as a lesson learnt, I was in way to much of a rush to get in. I think the company is sound though and I'm still on board, hopefully they'll get back up there soon enough.

    Otherwise a pretty standard spread across a few options. I really want to have a punt on some more on the NZAX but the illiquidity is quite frightening.
    Last edited by Zadkiel; 29-05-2013 at 05:56 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Zadkiel View Post
    Thought I'd join up here as I am currently take some eggs out of their single basket (the bank) and putting it in the market, something I've kept an eye on for some time but never really acted on.

    I'll come clean right now and admit I bought into Snakk at 30 cents, luckily not many though, so I see the loss as a lesson learnt, I was in way to much of a rush to get in. I think the company is sound though and I'm still on board, hopefully they'll get back up there soon enough.

    Otherwise a pretty standard spread across a few options. I really want to have a punt on some more on the NZAX but the illiquidity is quite frightening.
    Welcome,plenty of wisdom on here re investing should you choose to take that path.
    Seems you might be more of a person if punting is more your style.......if you really want to punt don't let the illiquidity of the NZAX frighten you, possibly a better return for you.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2013


    I have a bit of spread, so there is room for the higher risk options there. Just dipped a tow in the water with CRP, see how that goes. And TAB never works well for me.


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