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Thread: Cross Listings

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Default Cross Listings

    Hi all

    Have done some searching on the internet but still don't quite understand this, so am hoping someone experienced here might be able to explain it for me!

    I have some Australian shares but am interested in purchasing a few NZ shares. I have a margin loan in Australia, so it would be easier for me to purchase shares on the ASX, and the ones I am potentially interested in are cross listed (think this is the correct term).

    Are there any differences (benefits / risks) in purchasing NZ shares on the ASX - e.g. Z energy is listed on both exchanges? From what I've read, the prices should pretty much stay in sync across the exchanges, but would there be any other problems if I bought them on the ASX rather than the NZX? Could there be issues with volumes etc...?

    Many thanks in advance,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    My own view is you would be best to buy NZ in Aussie as your margin loan is in Aussie.They may prefer you have ASX listed shares?In fact it may be a requirement?
    .I do not think you will have volume issues,as dual listed companies are rather large and quiet liquid.
    There will be the odd times when they will miss match. This will often be because of exchange rates.So currency issues will influence the difference in NZ and AX share prices.Say you buy [nz] Z in Aussie,NZ dollar goes up against Aussie dollar,share price in Aussie will go up.
    NZ dollar falls against Aussie dollar Z share price will go down in Aussie,

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