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  1. #11
    Advanced Member BIRMANBOY's Avatar
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    All onboard the train....all onboard the train...along with Nash and Young working the Stills.
    Quote Originally Posted by winner69 View Post
    Good guidance there Sparky

    Saku is Eastonia's biggest brewery but it is owned by Carlsberg. Beer consumption gone from 74 litres per head in 2004 to 81 litres per head so the Eastonians like their beer

    Looked at ME in Morocco again ....the head honcho Crosby is some guy. Been around for a while .....through the lows and highs but seems to be a high at the mo
    Conservative Investing and dividend producers...get rich slowly!

  2. #12
    Advanced Member Valuegrowth's Avatar
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    If I am correct Estonia invented Skype. Estonia is the 132nd smallest country in the world yet it is one of the top internet lovers in the world.

    Among Asia pacific market Pakistan, Sri-Lanka and Vietnam had strong up trend during last six days exception is Sri-Lanka had a minor correction on Friday. Both Mongolia and Hong Kong market were also up on Friday. Very interesting. In Europe markets such as UK, Germany, and Austria were resilient on Friday. Estonia and Iceland markets did well. Ghana had a very good day on Friday. Not a good day for S&P 500. This situation could change during next week. Both USD and Gold up. I believe Intermediate trend for stock markets could be different from one area to another area. In other words some markets could have strong up trend and some markets could have some sort of correction or volatility. Despite some setback in global stocks markets some individual stocks maintained their uptrend. Some of the top winners on Friday were Visa Inc, American Express, Admiral Group, Glencore Xstrata, LXS: GR, Mitsubishi Motors, Fujikura Ltd, Korea Green paper, Don Won Fisheries, DIL:NZ and GMT:NZ

    In the meantime Ireland’s credit rating was restored to investment grade by Moody’s Investors Service since the debt crisis erupted in 2009. Deutsche Bank AG (DBK) is also going to withdraw from participating in setting gold and silver benchmarks in London. It is following Investment banks such as JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Morgan Stanley on cutting back in some commodities.

    My ideas are not a recommendation to either buy or sell any security, commodity or currency. Please do your own research prior to making any investment decisions.

  3. #13
    Advanced Member Valuegrowth's Avatar
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    It is going to be very interesting next week. What a week for global stock markets. Friday was not a good day for many markets exceptions are markets such as Tanzania, Sri-Lanka, Vietnam and UAE which had uptrend. Markets such as Bulgaria, Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, China, Mongolia, Philippines and Taiwan were resilient on Friday. In the meantime South American markets were in downtrend.

    If we analyse global markets we could see few frontier bull markets in 2014 and 2015. Globally current situation could create another opportunity for intelligent investors. There could be valuable sectors and stocks in countries such as USA, Germany, UK, India, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, New Zealand and Australia. Some of the top gainers in the global markets on Friday were:


    I am slightly bullish on undervalued global commodities stocks now. Some commodities could have strong uptrend and some commodities could go down further. In the currency market Aussie dropped below 87cents. Some Asians currencies such as Won, Malaysian ringgit, Indian rupee and Indonesian rupiahs fell. The Turkish lira plunged and South Africa’s rand tumbled. USD number one bull currency in the world could advance further. Both NZD and AUD could go down further.

    Let markets to fall or go up. Mr Market will decide where to go. It is time to identify coming bull markets, sectors, stocks, commodities and currencies.

    My ideas are not a recommendation to either buy or sell any security, commodity or currency. Please do your own research prior to making any investment decisions.

  4. #14
    Speedy Az winner69's Avatar
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    Morocco bourse ME - Marakesh Express still seems pretty popular and in demand

    Have you looked at them yet Marketwinner

  5. #15
    Advanced Member Valuegrowth's Avatar
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    Not yet. I particularly like to follow food, beverages, tourism and commodity related sectors there. I want to see how easy or difficult to open an account there. Recently when I was trying to reach Philippines market I found their process as very efficient and simple. I found few food and beverages companies there such as BRASSERIES DU MAROC (Beverages), OULMES (Beverages), DARI COUSPATE and COSUMAR (Food producers & Processors). If the process is complex I don’t like to proceed. Kind regards

  6. #16
    Advanced Member Valuegrowth's Avatar
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    Exotic markets few talk about, but probably should

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  7. #17
    Advanced Member Valuegrowth's Avatar
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    The IMF expects Mongolia to be the fastest-growing economy in the world over the next decade.We can see some funds are flowing into frontier markets such as Sri-Lanka, Qatar, Nigeria and Bangladesh. Pakistan market became one of the best markets in the world in 2013 and still it has a leg. Vietnam and UAE market too did well in 2013. On the other hand we didn’t see any meaningful rally in both Sri-Lankan and Bangladesh markets in 2013 except in few selected stocks. One positive factor in Sri-Lankan market is their interest rates are falling. As a result of this their stocks are more attractive than bonds and treasury bills now. Still I am learning about some markets.

    According to following link Milford Fund is more excited about Frontier markets. It is very interesting.

    Frontier markets gathering pace

    My ideas are not a recommendation to either buy or sell any security, commodity or currency. Please do your own research prior to making any investment decisions. Please note that I do not endorse or take responsibility for material in the above hyper-linked site.

  8. #18
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    Default We can see very interesting discussions here. Thank you.

    We can see very interesting discussions here. Thank you.

  9. #19
    Advanced Member Valuegrowth's Avatar
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    Thank you Agrarinvestor for your comment.

    Market corrections, volatility, pullback, sideway are part of stocks market journey and nobody can stop this. These types of events create great opportunely for some market players.

    It is normal to have market volatility, sideway market, biggest one day drops, biggest strong uptrend etc time to time in any market. Despite some of the biggest market drops in global markets later they have rebounded strongly. How do we face successfully to minimize some risks involved in markets? One way to do is to identify some future winners before others. These types of companies will have less attention from majority market players including analysts as they like to follow popular stocks and indexes. For example eight years back we had XERO and majority avoided this wonderful company. Those who did home work considered it as a hidden gem. When any company become popular everybody will follow it and many will write research reports and they will upgrade the stock again and again. There could be new companies at the early stage of development. They can become leaders of tomorrow.
    Companies start as a small and later they become big. New Zealand market could have some promising companies. It is same in other developed, emerging and frontier markets. Little bit of hard work and study could lead to identifying next starbuck. When compare with other developed markets, still New Zealand market is strong. Recently Japanese market came down by more than 4% in single day. On the other hand New Zealand market outperformed all other developed markets though it had minor fall on that particular day. We should not forget it is getting higher dairy and meat prices in the global market now. Some say emerging markets are risky. For me any market is risky. Despite some risks emerging stocks, commodities and currencies are very cheap now.

    In every market there are some growth stories. For example huge population in emerging and frontier markets could create great demand for protein products in the coming years. Some multinational consumer staples companies such as NEST and Unilever already have established their businesses in frontier and emerging markets. In addition there are well managed cash rich companies in these frontier markets in some sectors. I believe Consumer staples, internet, infrastructure, some export and selected banking counters could do well in Asia in the coming years and coming decade. Finally some companies in developed world such as New Zealand, Australia, USA, Germany and Netherlands could have export opportunities in Asian region as they are not in a position to produce some products and commodities fully.

    It is very simple. It is wise to target some sectors in USA, UK, Germany, New Zealand, Australia and frontier and emerging markets to get some return in the coming years and coming decade. In other words it is time to identify outstanding companies having beautiful growth story.

    I will write more about global markets later. Have a nice day!

    My ideas are not a recommendation to either buy or sell any security, commodity or currency. Please do your own research prior to making any investment decisions.
    Last edited by Valuegrowth; 06-02-2014 at 07:05 PM. Reason: To adjust a sentence.

  10. #20
    Advanced Member Valuegrowth's Avatar
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    It was a beautiful day for USA and European markets. Both Estonia and Morocco markets didn’t do well. Asia pacific region too is having a good day today. Small frontier markets such as Pakistan, Sri-Lanka and Vietnam are down today at this time of writing. There could be different type of mega developments in some sectors, commodities in the coming decade. As I said before we should not ignore any market. Even there could be opportunity in Chinese market. Chinese people will eat more meat and drink more tea, coffee and milk in the coming years and decade. New Zealand can supply high quality milk and meat to Asia in the coming decade. Chinese could create demand for baby products as well. Once we see lower NZD, New Zealand could become one of the vibrant economies in the world. Remember some analysts and market players talked negatively on European region in the past. They also talked about collapse of USD. Later we had some of the major uptrend in stocks there. Even Greece and Spain market had good rally. USD my darling currency is shining now. Those days many market players avoided markets such as Greece, Spain and Pakistan etc. Even now there are undervalued markets, sectors, stocks, currencies and commodities globally. Some frontier markets are very attractive now. Today we can see some weakness in emerging market currencies. This situation could change sooner than later and they will adjust to their real value sooner than later. Some experts make bigger mistakes than others. They are dead wrong in predicting direction of stock markets, currencies and commodity prices.

    My ideas are not a recommendation to either buy or sell any security, commodity or currency. Please do your own research prior to making any investment decisions.


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