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  1. #11
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2014


    Income Education's intro format can have some unfortunate similarities to other dodgy promotions that most of us have heard of. (e.g. Gold Coast real estate seminars) Smooth sales presentations can also turn off Aussies/Kiwis - more than Americans probably realise.

    Having said that, if you can look past the style issues and focus on the substance of the opportunity, I think most people will see that there is serious money to be made through US real estate. Everyone has to decide for themselves whether they want to invest in that market. If they do, they then need to decide if they want education or not. I did their 3 day workshop and I found the information I learned valuable many times over. The thing that sold me was that I was never locked into any system of buying - but I could pick and choose how much or little I purchased in association with them. At the end of the day, my success is based on my effort. This was never a get rich quick scheme. It was the knowledge I needed to effectively invest.

    I would just say this. At the end of the day, don't let anyone pressure you into something that you don't want to do. But if you want to do it, then go for it. My experience with Income Education was positive.
    Last edited by NSW Guy; 17-07-2014 at 08:57 PM.

  2. #12
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2014


    My own experience: a lady friend asked me to go with her to the Income Education seminar just finished in Sydney as she felt that I would have a better understanding of it. I could only attend the first two days, but she paid for my participation and accommodation so my opinion is not influenced by any expense I might need to justify. My view is that the company is genuine and can guide you to making big money investing in US real estate, the caveat is that to get the full value you need to attend all three seminars with the second called "Boots On The Ground" costing $25,000 and I would imagine the third at least the same. There is also an ongoing monthly cost of $29.95 to use the supplied computer software. The bottom line is I feel that you will need to start with about $80,000 to cover the cost of the seminars and subsequent investments, which I knew that my friend did not have so I advised her to Cut and Run as I felt that she would also be out of her depth, but last I heard is that she is going to the next seminar so I imagine that there will be more calls for help in future.
    Last edited by Danceman; 11-11-2014 at 12:46 PM.

  3. #13
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2014


    Obviously you are wrong on two counts as I did not create the account for a single post, nor am I an employee of Income Education. I am a retired Age Pensioner who makes a bit of money on the side investing in the Stock Market. Do you honestly believe this company would pay me to let people know how much they might eventually be up for after they take the first step of attending an Income Education seminar? What do you think the most likely outcome of that would be? People who were thinking about it will now be having second thoughts and if I was an employee I would be facing instant dismissal. I see that you make many posts in this forum, I would hope that you put a bit more thought into them than you have with this one.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    If you make money investing in the stock market stick to commenting on that,as you credibility on Income Education is zero.!l

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2014


    I had a quick look at their website out of morbid curiosity. If the "testimonials" (a word which I use extremely loosely) and the the rather large number of warnings my antivirus software are anything to go by, just no...

    I've got a copy of 0 to 130 in 3.5 anyone is welcome to borrow.
    I think I paid about $10 on fishpond and the advice is infinitely better than I imagine any of these seminars to be.

  6. #16
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2014


    So we have two sides to the story, one based on opinions, the other based on facts. I am prepared to let the readers here decide which they would give the most credibility to, and feel despite the number of negative posts here others should be prepared to do the same.
    Last edited by Danceman; 11-11-2014 at 09:57 PM.

  7. #17
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2013


    lol $80k "investment" to get started. I prefer to invest in real assets not someone else's back account number.

  8. #18
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2014


    Finally a bit of common sense. Exposing what the final cost would be was hardly ever going to encourage anyone to invest in this company, and rather than working for them they would probably like to have my head on a pike.

    [Edited by STMOD]

  9. #19
    Super Investor
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    Feb 2008
    Gold Coast


    Surely there target market is the US. Why are they selling these seminars here, after all helping Americans buy US real estate would be more cost effective. Maybe they can't sell these seminars in the US or maybe Americans are not as gullible. I suspect there are thousands of these like seminars in America.

  10. #20
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2001
    Auckland, , New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by h2so4 View Post
    Surely there target market is the US. Why are they selling these seminars here, after all helping Americans buy US real estate would be more cost effective. Maybe they can't sell these seminars in the US or maybe Americans are not as gullible. I suspect there are thousands of these like seminars in America.
    That's what I wonder as well, And I noticed the other day somewhere, advertising property in Australia again - Apartments I think it was in Queensland somewhere, would not think the Australian market is short of buyers, unless it is from a Lifestyle/holiday home slant.


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