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Thread: Computershare

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Computershare

    Anyone having problems with computershare site

    Made life very difficult to log in now.
    Have been trying to the last 3-4 days and I keep losing my internet connection when I try - just sits and waiting for login.computershare,com or similar. Seems to take it down

    Internet connection OK otherwise as per typing this question

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Jay, I suspect you are far from alone in your frustrations with the much trumpeted ‘improved and easier’ new Computershare website. It has never been particularly user friendly, always slow to log in and move around in, by comparison to Link in particular.

    The latest NZ Shareholders Assn newsletter has a lengthy and comprehensive article on the frustrations of using the ‘new’ Comp. website, mentioning amongst other things that DRP instructions are now found in ‘my profile’ and once found the stocks are not even in alpha order!

    If you want to check tax on a stock, you can only do one at a time, whereas in Link you can bring up a list of all stocks, with a good layout of all payments, tax, credits, net/gross, easily copied and pasted elsewhere, brilliant for end of year. Computershare has no equivalent. And, in Comp.share, if you move to download a remittance advice, don’t even bother clicking on ‘more details’ as the result is an extremely poor layout. Instead, click on ‘dividends and payments’ under the stock you want, which will give you the correct pdf format.

    The NZSA article mentions not having the design depth or planning to represent a significant step forward. And that most bank websites are more user friendly, and the Comp.share site is woefully short of useful information for any shareholder who is maintaining a moderate portfolio. Personally, I feel that is very restrained!

    Six days out, I am still awaiting a reply from Computershare regarding my thoughts on the 'new and improved' site! Says it all really, they don't give a damn about the end user. I suggest you try your luck though, and it perhaps wouldn't hurt to drop a line to NZSA, as they would be interested to know investors thoughts, I'm sure.

  3. #3
    The Good Banksie's Avatar
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    And don't try logging in on a different computer because you will need to remember the answers to one of those 3 security questions you set - I sent them this email on Monday and still no response.

    While I applaud your efforts to upgrade the security on your investor services - I am finding it frustrating to use.

    You see, I cannot remember what my favourite animal is, much like I can't remember my favourite colour, the first-girl-I-kissed's name, or my favourite toy. These type of security questions are very subjective and not important details in my life. So I forget.

    I do remember things like my maternal grandfather's name as it is objective and unchanging. (Although my wife's paternal grandfather's first dog's name is probably something I wouldn't remember either.)

    I seem to recall that two of the three security questions were of the objective type (see I haven't totally succumbed to dementia) but the problem is the site keeps banging on about this poor animal that is clearly no longer in my good books.

    Please could you instruct your login service to ask me one of the other questions - alternatively send me a procedure for resetting the questions.

  4. #4
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    Mar 2010


    Banksie, I wasn't going to go there, don't get me started!

    Have to wonder what set the site off on such a ludicrous procedure, were they hacked? Or is it more likely that someone is justifying their existence/job?

    I think I've aged considerably in the last few attempts at getting around Computershare, pent up anger/frustration is not good for the health.

    Good luck in getting a response to your message in a decent timeframe, I better get mine before you get yours though! The acknowledgement on 4 April said they would respond as soon as possible???

    Sadly, I don't think we will see any improvements sometime soon. Pity, as if it weren't for investors, where would they be?

  5. #5
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    Yeah have to agree the layout of the Dividends etc, well the whole site actually .
    Managed to log in Via Firefox - as mentioned IE seems to lose the internet connection - might think about switching fulltime to it, as another site does not work for either under Win7 and IE 11 - iheart radio - emailed them, told me to send them this that and the other then do this and that - didn't fix it.

    Found out about that the different computer thing Banksie - managed to log on at work (Win7 via VDI and IE 8 - shhh don't tell the boss) - not sure if the answers have to be eactly the same, ie did I use a captital for the first letter etc etc.

    Smae you can't pick your Share registry like you can your broker! Just depends on what compnaies you buy!

    May send them both something Karen, thanks for the suggestion

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    The problem I have when I log in is that it doesn't recognise my listings of share holdings in "portfolio" stating I have no holdings but I can access through single holding enquiry. Rang the NZ Compshare and told it might have something to do with confirming email when registered.This may be there is a sharing problem as the same log in and passwords are used for NZ and Aus sites. As sending an email has been make almost impossible the only way is for me to phone Aus and ask what I need to do to work around it. Their security has stepped up and seems a bit OTT but I can navigate it ok.
    I agree that Link is much more user friendly

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    I must add my opinion to this so called "upgrade". Link 10/10 Computershare 1/10 - though I seem to finally get there

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by stones View Post
    I must add my opinion to this so called "upgrade". Link 10/10 Computershare 1/10 - though I seem to finally get there
    What I find very annoying is that when I log in under the NZ site, it lists all my Australian holdings as well. But when I log in to the Australian site it only lists my Australian holdings. Is this some kind of bug? Also it is annoying to have to go 1 by 1 to get dividend info to do the IR3 tax return. But I think they (computershare) have an ulterior motive here.... recently I received an email from them stating they were willing to provide the info in summary form for a small fee of $35. No thank you!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Definitely a slow day at Computershare, has just taken 25 seconds to log in. I have added a stock to the NZ portfolio as a reminder to self. It's an NZX stock, and also appears on the ASX portfolio! Bugs, blackcap, yep, a total invasion on the whole site.

    Maybe, hopefully, they will get enough complaints to make some decent changes. Would be good to see it align with Link....

    The two main registries have made a charge for some years for tax summaries. One way of overcoming this is to set up a spread sheet and update each time a dividend is received. Takes discipline, I don't have it! I'm getting a round tuit one day! So once a year I set aside a couple of hours and do the exercise from scratch.

    G on - I use the same login/password for both NZX/ASX and can bring up all info on both portfolios.
    Last edited by karen1; 10-04-2014 at 12:38 PM. Reason: addition

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Auckland, , New Zealand.


    Looks like in-house Belg, cannot see any reference to a web devleoper

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