Quote Originally Posted by Roger View Post
+1 for cash. I don't think we're out of the woods yet by any stretch of the imagination. Airlines now being priced like Ebola is suddenly completely beaten as a threat is one example of how irrational the current market seems to have become.
I agree, I think we are likely to see large swings back & forth in equity indices for some time. Its a reflection of US markets in particular getting ahead of themselves in regards valuation vs the economy & the huge amounts of cash on the sidelines that will act as a cushion. DOW for instance looks very toppy above 17k & I'm wondering if it will actually make it back above on this attempt as its been a great short & I think some of the market is waiting to short again. As such I have gone early & shorted the DOW this morning.

I have read a bit of chat of the US economy vs Europe & basically US hedge funds talking of a general short against Europe vs the US. You just have to know this is how they are positioned already & wanting the retail market to carry the load for them. I don't buy it, if anything with the rising USD we may see a bounce in Europe vs the US shortly. Where does that leave the ASX? You certainly can't get too bullish on it that's for sure.

