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Thread: China

  1. #11
    Guru Xerof's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by robbo24 View Post
    In summary, will the SMA200 on the Shanghai Composite hold and offer a rally?
    yes, in fact a little ahead of my suggested support level

    TA shows no real support until ~ 3200/3300 on the SSE, but it'll do whatever the authorities want it to do I guess
    but as you astutely note, at the MA200 robbo. (jeez you're on to it - do you have a mullet?)

  2. #12
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    Default Cga

    Quote Originally Posted by winner69 View Post
    You need to worry when you read stories about the amount of betting going on - one was about a group of guys betting on stocks on the subway on the way to work with very short time frames. One punter boasted he made the equivalent of 100k in the 30 minute ride to work. All too easy these days, easier than the casino in some countries.
    In my case, it's a little bit more than betting. Today i bought Kone because i expect some 20% plus and tomorrow 100%. Sounds crazy, i know. Today i added more CGA because i expect 5o% plus until September.
    CGA is a value play. Kne is the sister. Every time before earnings , and a few days later we saw 100% plus. Let's look tomorrow.

    I'am concentrated on one single company. I jave done so much research, talked to employees. I am hoping that at the end of the correction we will see a better, fairer valuation. Alll these P/E's above 30 have to be corrected.

  3. #13
    Advanced Member robbo24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xerof View Post
    but as you astutely note, at the MA200 robbo. (jeez you're on to it - do you have a mullet?)
    No mullet, but for a short period of time in an evening of 2003 I had a dreadlock mullet. Kind of like a PHD of mullets.

    A few months ago I read a story about HFT computer servers being moved into China. Whole offices of HFT servers.

    In my experience HFTs usually just use pretty simple patterns and chart/TA points to make their moves - just got to hazard a guess which one it will be I wonder how many HFT operators will be arrested?

    So large institutions are banned from selling, "malicious shorters" are banned from selling, lending interest rates are cut, the omnipotent Chinese government is demanding their institutions buy stocks and they can't sell... These things don't make a difference overnight, give it a week or two and the China bubble may very well be back stronger than ever
    'I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversation.' - G B Shaw

  4. #14
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    Default Kone plus 100%

    Quote Originally Posted by winner69 View Post
    You need to worry when you read stories about the amount of betting going on - one was about a group of guys betting on stocks on the subway on the way to work with very short time frames. One punter boasted he made the equivalent of 100k in the 30 minute ride to work. All too easy these days, easier than the casino in some countries.
    As i told you:
    >>and a few days later we saw 100% plus. Let's look tomorrow.<<

    bought on Thursday for 3,75$ , sold on the next day for 7,10$. It happens every time when they announce earnings, crazy.

  5. #15
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    Interesting article by Alicia Garcia-Herrero at
    Last edited by kiora; 17-07-2015 at 06:43 AM.

  6. #16
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    Default Can not agree

    Quote Originally Posted by kiora View Post
    Interesting article by Alicia Garcia-Herrero at
    Can not agree. The article is typical. Yes of course, there are a lot of chinese stocks, for example internet stock and others that have a high valuation and a lot of debt.
    But in average chinese corporates are in a much better shape as US corporates.

    If you use this stock screener you can find out healthy stocks with dividends, healthy debt equity ratios and hundreds of filters. In my opinion it is a good idea to concentrate on companys
    that are growing in earnings, revenue and are paying dividends.

  7. #17
    The Wolf of Sharetrader
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    Quote Originally Posted by KW View Post
    Looks like the boy with his finger in the dyke is getting tired :-)
    Can't say I've heard that saying before. It's an interesting one!
    Last edited by nextbigthing; 28-07-2015 at 08:04 PM.

  8. #18
    The Wolf of Sharetrader
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    Quote Originally Posted by KW View Post
    Ha cheers for the link.

  9. #19
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  10. #20
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    Thanks kiora . $US516 billion spent buying up premier global business's just in 2015!!.


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