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  1. #221
    Member penn's Avatar
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    Oct 2014


    How much would D Trump pay for a hair-loss remedy, proven to work in an independent, placebo controlled, trial?
    I STOLe the following from a poster on another site:- Credit to Hawkeye.
    Advangen and consumer healthcare has room to grow
    Advangen sales have doubled year on year
    Antagonising FGF-5 is well known to promote hair growth
    Biotecnol has generated 78 humanised antibody variants of midkine.
    British Journal of Pharmacology published a Midkine special edition
    Cellmid continues to bolster intellectual property
    Cellmid controls new inflammation targets for the treatment of Kidney Inflammation
    Cellmid controls new inflammation targets for the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis
    Cellmid controls new inflammation targets for the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis
    Cellmid has a biomarker with a companion diagnostic
    Cellmid has a diversified business Therapeutics, Oncology Diagnostics and consumer health
    Cellmid has a Midkine tribody collaboration agreement with Biotecnol
    Cellmid has an oncology program with anti Midkine antibody
    Cellmid has anti FGF-5 products
    Cellmid has developed a Midkine Elisa
    Cellmid has developed a suite of Midkine diagnostics
    Cellmid has licensed its cancer biomarker to 3 companies
    Cellmid has optioned a Midkine antibody to Zoetis (animal health major)
    Cellmid has positioned itself to dominate Midkine
    Cellmid has real science behind hair regrowth products
    Cellmid is a player in the personalised cancer medicine
    Cellmid is an emerging cancer antibody play
    Cellmid is building itself around Midkine
    Cellmid is taking the hair regrowth business global
    Cellmid knows what healthy serum Midkine should be
    Cellmid may have the next big thing in Kidney Disease
    Cellmid owns a hair regrowth business
    Cellmid owns over 80 patents worldwide around Midkine
    Cellmid partners include Pacific Edge, Zoetis, Quest, GW Pharma, Fujikura
    Cellmid sees potential for Midkine in antagonist inflammation
    Cellmid’s diagnostic work is relevant to other cancer therapeutic programs
    Cellmid’s First in class Therapeutic antibodies will target Midkine positive patients First in human
    Consumer health division is growing rapidly and close to monetization
    Consumer Health sales forecast of $5m in FY 2016
    EU Consumer Health distribution expected this FY year
    Evolis is a Cellmid brand with good data supporting the product
    Global branding was in place then product strategy will be for eyelash growth
    Global branding in place strategy will be for products targeting prevention of greying hair
    Global Conference Call this Tuesday
    High value drug pipeline
    Humanised IP14 Midkine antibody is safe and GMP ready
    Humanised IP14 Midkine antibody no abnormal clinical pathology
    Humanised IP14 Midkine antibody no dose limiting toxicities
    In addition to any current hair loss products that inbibit FGF that cellmid has previously announced
    It is also conclusive that Cellmid is the only company in the world with an FGF5 inhibitor product.
    It is also now conclusive that FGF5 is a key regulator of human hair growth
    Life Science mega trend company
    Manufacturing arrangement with Kikkomen
    Massive demand for hair regrowth products
    Midkine also plays an important role in the diagnostics field

    Midkine antibody is also being used in a program at our Japanese Laboratory to reverse Baldness
    Midkine antibody slows tumour growth and metastasis
    Midkine can treat heart attacks and prevent heart failure and disease
    Midkine diagnostic collaborations Bladder cancer
    Midkine diagnostic collaborations Colon cancer
    Midkine diagnostic collaborations Glioblastoma
    Midkine diagnostic collaborations Hepatocellular carcinoma
    Midkine diagnostic collaborations latex based assay
    Midkine diagnostic collaborations metastatic colorectal cancer
    Midkine diagnostic collaborations Prostate cancer
    Midkine Diseases have multiple published research papers
    Midkine has also been quoted by Charlie Birse at Quest Diagnostics as the cream of the crop
    Midkine has been subject to 700 publications
    Midkine in Lung Dx test
    Midkine is used as a diagnostic biomarker in the most accurate bladder cancer test in the world
    Midkine is an ideal cancer target
    Midkine is one of the most extensively validated disease targets
    Midkine is upregulated in at least 26 cancer types
    Midkine is useful across a range of disease indications
    Midkine makes for great diagnostics well beyond cancer
    Most of these cancer programs to animals
    Multiple programs and possibly dozens of partnering opportunities.
    New scientific advisor from the leading Garvan Institute of Australia
    Oncology program ready for phase 1/2a this year
    One of these Midkine antibodies could be used for treating Alzeimers disease
    One of these Midkine antibodies could be used for treating Bone Healing
    One of these Midkine antibodies could be used for treating brain cancer
    One of these Midkine antibodies could be used for treating Colon Cancer
    One of these Midkine antibodies could be used for treating Heart Ischemia
    One of these Midkine antibodies could be used for treating Hepatocellular (liver) Cancer
    One of these Midkine antibodies could be used for treating kidney disease and failure
    One of these Midkine antibodies could be used for treating Metastatic Colorectal cancer
    One of these Midkine antibodies could be used for treating Multiple Sclerosis
    One of these Midkine antibodies could be used for treating Osteosarcoma
    One of these Midkine antibodies could be used for treating Parkinsons disease
    One of these Midkine antibodies could be used for treating Prostate Cancer
    One of these Midkine antibodies could be used for treating Surgical Adhesion
    One of these Midkine antibodies is being used for reducing solid cancer tumours
    Rapidly growing consumer health business
    Revenue stage Biotech
    Springer book dedicated to Midkine
    Strong experienced operation team with plenty of grass root experience
    The promising six candidates were secreted at commercially viable concentrations
    Therapeutic pipeline CAB 101 Kidney Injury and disease Preclinical Collaboration
    Therapeutic pipeline CAB 102 Solid Tumours Clinical Development
    Therapeutic pipeline CMK 103 Cardiac Ischemia IND-enabling studies
    UPGRADED Sales and Revenue
    US Consumer Health distribution expected this quarter
    US Patent for use of Midkine Antibodies to treat disease
    Very rare for one company to own a whole new target this big

  2. #222
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2013


    Hi Penn...been in this for 4 years now....been pretty static share price wise. Thanks for re-posting Hawkeyes 100 reason (or is that now forgetabboutit!) I do think CDY is on the cusp of a major re-rating, mainly due to becoming cashflow positive shortly. Hopefully the Evolis Hair product side of the business will be huge in China and the US, Japan obviously has got some good traction already. The Midkine IP portfolio is huge and with Celgene board members being present at the recently hosted Midkine symposium, big things hopefully lurking....Celgene MCAP currently 75 Billion USD!

    Nice to see your name on the thread list Percy!
    Last edited by waddis; 29-06-2016 at 06:46 PM. Reason: Spelling

  3. #223
    Member penn's Avatar
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    Oct 2014


    [QUOTE=waddis;626676]Hi Penn...been in this for 4 years now....been pretty static share price wise. Thanks for re-posting Hawkeyes 100 reason (or is that now forgetabboutit!) I do think CDY is on the cusp of a major re-rating, mainly due to becoming cashflow positive shortly. Hopefully the Evolis Hair product side of the business will be huge in China and the US, Japan obviously has got some good traction already. The Midkine IP portfolio is huge and with Celgene board members being present at the recently hosted Midkine symposium, big things hopefully lurking....Celgene MCAP currently 75 Billion USD!

    ...Well.. Static today,Yes... but Up 3.2% from yesterday, and that was up 3.2% from the day before, and was almost half this share price just three months ago, I don't wish to split hairs (intended) but...that feels like a roller-coaster when half of your portfolio is on this one. I know it should not be, but when it was an under 20m Market Cap. I could not stop my urge to buy.
    I will feel more relaxed with a Market Cap of about 42m......I can't say if that is 'fair value' but, it will not seem quite so 'Hairy" (intended) My other concern is the cash burn to get those impressive japan sales of evolis.

  4. #224
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Floating Anchor Shoals


    Thanks penn. i was responding to your comment re CDY being undervalued. Sure looks like a lot of potential there.All the best JT.

  5. #225
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by waddis View Post
    Hi Penn...been in this for 4 years now....been pretty static share price wise. Thanks for re-posting Hawkeyes 100 reason (or is that now forgetabboutit!) I do think CDY is on the cusp of a major re-rating, mainly due to becoming cashflow positive shortly. Hopefully the Evolis Hair product side of the business will be huge in China and the US, Japan obviously has got some good traction already. The Midkine IP portfolio is huge and with Celgene board members being present at the recently hosted Midkine symposium, big things hopefully lurking....Celgene MCAP currently 75 Billion USD!

    ...Well.. Static today,Yes... but Up 3.2% from yesterday, and that was up 3.2% from the day before, and was almost half this share price just three months ago, I don't wish to split hairs (intended) but...that feels like a roller-coaster when half of your portfolio is on this one. I know it should not be, but when it was an under 20m Market Cap. I could not stop my urge to buy.
    I will feel more relaxed with a Market Cap of about 42m......I can't say if that is 'fair value' but, it will not seem quite so 'Hairy" (intended) My other concern is the cash burn to get those impressive japan sales of evolis.

    Hi Penn.... I guess by static I probably meant I bought my 1m shares 4 years ago at 3 cents so over 4 yrs its been up and down and kind of back where I started, I do feel though that this does have a kind of 'Good things take time' feel to it compared to some of my other spec stocks, its my only spec that is now making profit....well hopefully!

  6. #226
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Lets see what tomorrow brings being the last day of FY 16 for Cellmid. There was talk of an eyelash product being released in FY 2016 and also distribution deals for Evolis One into the US and China. A distribution deal probably has an initiation date and may not be immediate. On top of that the 800 man
    Chinese Symposium in Melbourne, where Cellmid was a participant, concluded today. There may be much to discuss in the very near future. There is a sort of half assed analyst update on
    Analyst coverage that gives .086 as a valuation. Seems fair.

  7. #227
    Member penn's Avatar
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    Oct 2014


    Has been up and down, A LOT! Funny thing though, IF this was an IPO (for Advangen/evolis only) preparing to launch into the USA with the proven sales and Aus and japan, would we not be looking at a Market Cap of 40m for that alone?

  8. #228
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    The problem with Cellmid is that you have all the connotations of snake oil associated with hair loss restorer combined with a very miniscule potentially lifethreatening protein, the antibodies of which appear to be capable of regulating. The bit that escapes a lot of the punters is that it is a two pronged attack, presumably thats why they spun off two subsidiaries. Dosing with Midkine for certain things and antibodies for others. Can you imagine what something to restore proper heart function after an attack could be worth or to have bones healing properly and quickly.
    Pacific Edge uses midkine as one of its markers and it works.
    Just go out and say Midkine to somebody and when they say what are you on, try and explain it.
    Good luck

  9. #229
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Maybe this will help explain where things are with this company.
    Worth a read.

  10. #230
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Declaration by coordinator of a 15% collective of LikeMinded Investors that they are acting to support the CEO. The latest SSH showed a large jump from 11 to 15% as more climb on board.


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