  1. #10351
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    I agree to an extent Beagle but in this case I think the board/C-suite needs diverse experience. In a company like Oceania and Summerset I would expect to see good representation of medical professionals and engineers/development professionals on their board/executive team. Good representation of finance professionals is also fine by me, as a long time Summerset holder (albeit not since IPO) I am very happy with Julians work.

    I know a listed developer that has no engineers or development professionals on their board/leadership team and it is very much to their detriment.

  2. #10352
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    Wellington, , New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by James108 View Post
    I agree to an extent Beagle but in this case I think the board/C-suite needs diverse experience. In a company like Oceania and Summerset I would expect to see good representation of medical professionals and engineers/development professionals on their board/executive team. Good representation of finance professionals is also fine by me, as a long time Summerset holder (albeit not since IPO) I am very happy with Julians work.

    I know a listed developer that has no engineers or development professionals on their board/leadership team and it is very much to their detriment.
    Maybe the decisions are to outsource. Simply because if they turn out to be lemons it is way easier to terminate contractors than actual staff, especially if there are platinum parachutes.

  3. #10353
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    Does any one know the possible value of rerate on property value. Comparing 2 bedroom villa in hawkesbay you would be lucky to pay 650000. OCA seem undervalued at 500000. Quite a undervalue and from the last report you could almost expect a extra 30% on property value.
    What's everyone's opinion

  4. #10354
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    Quote Originally Posted by artemis View Post
    Maybe the decisions are to outsource. Simply because if they turn out to be lemons it is way easier to terminate contractors than actual staff, especially if there are platinum parachutes.
    Well, when things go wrong consultants will act in their own self interest first and the clients interests second, I think some level of in house expertise is completely necessary. Further in my experience a client that knows what they are doing pushes and challenges the consultants to find the best possible outcome.

    You would be shocked if the board of Xero was all accountants but it doesn’t seem to be as shocking in the construction sector.

    The major retirement operators are very much in the construction/development sector.

  5. #10355
    ShareTrader Legend Beagle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dlownz View Post
    Does any one know the possible value of rerate on property value. Comparing 2 bedroom villa in hawkesbay you would be lucky to pay 650000. OCA seem undervalued at 500000. Quite a undervalue and from the last report you could almost expect a extra 30% on property value.
    What's everyone's opinion
    Agree, hardly any of the property gains in recent years have filtered down to OCA apartment / care suite asking prices so a lot of horsepower to be unlocked here with a smarter investment banker at the helm. I hit Earl up more than once about how underpriced OCA's units were...might as well have been talking in Swahili for all the good it did.

    James, OCA development margins are the highest in the industry and their methodology of outsourcing the construction side of the business to highly reputable construction companies means they have a superb track record of getting their villages built on time and on budget. Working like a well oiled Swiss watch.
    Last edited by Beagle; 17-10-2021 at 01:25 PM.
    Ecclesiastes 11:2: “Divide your portion to seven, or even to eight, for you do not know what misfortune may occur on the earth.
    Ben Graham - In the short run the market is a voting machine but in the long run the market is a weighing machine

  6. #10356
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beagle View Post
    Maybe you should ask investors in Summerset's IPO at $1.35 just under a decade ago what they think of ex investment banker Julian Cook's skills after enjoying 1000%+ gains ?
    You don't get to be director of investment banking at Jarden without being exceptionally talented. Earl a nice guy, but I think we are extremely fortunate indeed to have Brent at the helm. Arguably the best change that's happened since OCA listed.

    He showed he's much more than "just" an extremly talented investment banker here paywalled
    Simon Challies is more my style. Plus he invented the business model here in NZ

  7. #10357
    ShareTrader Legend Beagle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fiordland Moose View Post
    Simon Challies is more my style. Plus he invented the business model here in NZ
    A legend in his time for sure and still doing awesome work https://www.canterburybraincollectiv...simon-challies but please give Brent a chance to sense is he will will prove himself to be an awesome CEO.
    Last edited by Beagle; 17-10-2021 at 03:24 PM.
    Ecclesiastes 11:2: “Divide your portion to seven, or even to eight, for you do not know what misfortune may occur on the earth.
    Ben Graham - In the short run the market is a voting machine but in the long run the market is a weighing machine

  8. #10358
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beagle View Post
    A legend in his time for sure and still doing awesome work https://www.canterburybraincollectiv...simon-challies but please give Brent a chance to sense is he will will prove himself to be an awesome CEO.
    I got fingers & toes crossed as I am a shareholder!

  9. #10359
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    Maybe the new ceo will see the quick gain and take the credit 😁

  10. #10360
    Join Date
    Jul 2020


    Maybe someone can help me out here because I can't quite get the sales & capacity volumes to work from the annual reports.

    In particular, if I compare new builds versus new sales it appears there were an accumulated 180 new units and care suites unsold at the end of the last fiscal year. That feels too high in light of demand in the sector.

    Also I see OCA have restated the prior year occupancy % a couple of time - has anyone else noticed that or seen any comments on why?

    Lastly, if I take last years capacity and add the new builds, I consistently get lower numbers than OCA provides in terms of total capacity for units and care suites. Have I done something wrong?

    Note: items starred with * have come from the annual report. Each row is tagged with a unique identifier starting with A. Calculated rows show the calculation used by referencing the other rows, except items from the annual report which have the *.

    *per A/R
    Sales of New Units A* 37 73 76 75 87
    Sales of New Care Suites B* 15 27 57 114 107
    Total New Sales







    New Builds (Units & Suites) D* 44 131 272 176 217
    Unsold (New Builds - Total New Sales) E=D-C 0** 31 139 -13 23
    Cumulative Unsold F=Sum(E) 0 31 170 157 180 ??
    Capacity Units G* 1,022 1,054 1,102 1,202 1,285 1,367
    Care Suites H* 230 242 340 542 679 847
    Care Beds I* 2,519 2,580 2,540 2,112 1,882 1,807
    Total Capacity J=G+H+I 3,771 3,876 3,982 3,856 3,846 4,021
    Average Occupancy % (Restated) K* 91.3% 90.4% 91.0% 91.5% 92.4%
    Average Occupancy # L=J*K 3,539 3,600 3,509 3,519 3,715
    Unoccupied - All M=J-L 337 382 347 327 306
    Less Cumulative Unsold Units & Suites N=F 0 31 170 157 180
    Unoccupied Care Beds & Resales O=M-N 337 351 177 170 126
    Units & Suites Capacity - prior year P=G+H (PY) 1,252 1,296 1,442 1,744 1,964
    New Builds Q=D 44 131 272 176 217
    Calculated Capacity R=P+Q 1,296 1,427 1,714 1,920 2,181
    Reported Capacity - this year S=G+H (TY) 1,296 1,442 1,744 1,964 2,214
    Difference T=S-R 0 15 30 44 33 ??

    **Note: I forced FY17 to zero for unsold given new sales exceeded new builds and we can't start with unsold < 0.
    Last edited by Ferg; 18-10-2021 at 02:14 PM.

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