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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2014


    Is there any way anyone can justify the current mCap?

  2. #32
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BFG View Post
    Is there any way anyone can justify the current mCap?
    Nope. The world gets stranger I just realised Facebook paid $22b for WhatsApp who turn over $10m so any things possible.

    What I find interesting is how global they can make this business. Being successful in small niche markets in the US can provide scale but I think due to the large competitors this will be a successful regional play and not become global. Will be interesting to watch as niche markets in the US can still be very profitable.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Sep 2014


    Food for thought there Schrodinger.

    HY report November 14. I shall be watching

  4. #34
    Join Date
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    HY out tomorrow. I'm expecting them to be closing in on the 600 clients by December number cited in the prospectus. Going to get interesting if they exceed this target.

    Am I just speaking to myself on here or is anyone else following MAAAAYYYNNNN?

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Sep 2014


    Looks like I am only talking to myself!

    Half year is out. Some great growth going on, losses increasing as well as per other SaaS companies. Some good names sigmed up to Run The Red Program.

    No debt & $5.5M at bank to keep growing. Suspect a cap raising to the public will be needed next year.

    On track to have 600+ clients by December and break even by 1250 clients, but this depends whether the company goes for growth or profitability.

    I shall continue watching with interest.

    Disc - not holding

  6. #36
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    Sep 2014

    Thumbs up Why PAY Is BFGs Top Growth Pick For 2015

    Retention Rate - Pushpay’s annual revenue retention rate(excluding upsells into the existing Merchant base) continued to exceed 95%.This is in line with Diligent who are considered class leaders.
    Huge growth- 2013 HY revenue to September was $90,000. In2014 it was $1,613,000, a growth rate of 1700%. This is, of course, off a very lowbase, but even a growth rate of half that would be massive. ARPM in June 2014was approximately $235 per Merchant per month, with ARPM expected to increaseto over $300 per month over the medium term.
    Choice of path – PAY has the ability to either go down theXero (growth at cost of profits) or the Diligent route (profitability, butslower growth). The current idea is that the company will be cashflow positiveafter 1250 clients are signed up, which will be achieved in Q2-Q3 of 2015.However, the company has signalled it would rather forego earnings in order togrow faster (Xero route). Cash in bank is standing @ $5M+.
    Margins – Should be 70 to 80% within two years of listingand with client numbers above 2000.
    Niche market – Only 4% of global commerce was done viamobile, presenting a 96% opportunity. The company currently has operations inNZ, Australia and the USA. The USA is the biggest market target by far and is targeting314,000 separate church organisations, 1,600,000 non-profits and 5,600,000 SMEs.The company is also looking to target Canada and the UK in the near future, whichadd other massive growth opportunities.
    Good backers – PushPay has major shareholders in Chistoperand Peter Huljich (think PEB), Bruce Gordon with many years of electronicpayment knowledge at BNZ and Doug Kemsley who built CA-Systems from scratch andsold it to MYOB in 1999 for $22,000,000.

  7. #37
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2015


    Sounds pretty good to me. I might buy some.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Sep 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by babymonster View Post
    Sounds pretty good to me. I might buy some.
    One caveat - do a market cap to revenue analysis, THEN make a decision

    I understand results will be out this week so you will have more info to play with then. I expect them to outperform their estimates (600 clients by December was forecasted)
    Last edited by BFG; 10-01-2015 at 02:38 PM.

  9. #39
    2019 NZ Stock Picking Winner silverblizzard888's Avatar
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    Based on a number trend model where I used the numbers available on the interim report, I came up that they would have to make about $9.8 million dollars in revenue to breakeven based on current method of expenditure. Purely just for fun on my part, numbers may be different realistically. I don't know how long it would take them to get to that, but compared to the MCAP it kind of scares me away. The minute they fail to deliver amazing growth numbers they won't be worth that much, too much value on that potential. If I compare it to other companies like VML who like them have a similar risk factor, but for VML they have a much smaller MCAP and just as much potential. Those numbers for Pushpay don't stack up in my books.

    Don't get me wrong its good potential this company has, but its no Xero. In my view businesses always need accounting work to be done so they go out of their way to get Xero as compared to its competition it was something much more effective both in skill and cost, but where as payment methods there is plenty available and I'm not sure people will go out of their way to get the app, some will, but some won't. They have achieved great revenue growth for now, but if I was to place a value on this company 40-50 million is more realistic for me until I see otherwise. Thats my 2 cents and well I am working on limited information too, but we'll see, reminds of a once a upon a time there was Geo OP.
    Last edited by silverblizzard888; 10-01-2015 at 04:58 PM.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2014


    Breakeven is seen as 1250 clients, but I doubt this will happen as they will choose to chase growth rather than become profitable.

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