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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default GORE - All rise - This is Ben Bell County

    About time we had a thread on this small County down south where the Local
    choice of Mayor is encountering head winds against an entrenched Old Boys Brigade

    Gore District Council showdown: NZ’s youngest mayor Ben Bell survives; vote of no confidence shelved

    New Zealand’s youngest mayor has survived a showdown meeting with a motion of no confidence no longer being pursued.

    After months of dysfunction, where Gore District Council Mayor Ben Bell and long-standing chief executive Stephen Parry no longer talk, the future of the council had been hanging in the balance.

    Bell, who has consistently said he will see out the job that he won by just eight votes from six-term incumbent mayor Tracy Hicks, refused.

    The news brought huge cheers from a packed public gallery this afternoon.

    Don't forget to organise wider overage for this intriguing changing of the guard at GORE
    COUNIL so many more can see how it should be done elsewhere

    Time for a new day job - away from Local Bodies - Stephen ?

    You might feel a lot happier away from the hustle bustle of Local Body Red Tape
    and the new talent the constituents want fronting the Council

    When does the next Public Vote occur for votes of Confidence in the rest of the Council
    who have probably been in the pews for too long ?
    Last edited by nztx; 16-05-2023 at 05:50 PM.


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