Quote Originally Posted by Panda-NZ- View Post
Winnie can marginalise Act in his agreement like he did with the greens.

Dave can look forward to being a minister of statistics even with 15% votes while Winston can be finance minister on 6%. He'll like that sort of power play.
Well you’ve just provided a prime example of how the tail can wag the dog, how a ‘Kingmaker’ with a lowly percentage of the total vote can extort a kings ransom. And indeed we saw it in 2017.

So therefore what key ministerial roles will Te Pati Maori have in a LABGREETEPATI government? And perhaps we might see Marama Davidson as Minister of Finance, aye? And what policy platforms of Te Pati Maori and the Green (radicals) might the new government adopt?
Or are you going to maintain this absurd fiction that Chipkins will simply bark the orders, and his would-be coalition partners will meekly fall into line….

There are worse things out there than Winston Peters.