Quote Originally Posted by justakiwi View Post
If you seriously believe the situation here is even remotely the same as apartheid in South Africa, you are delusional. But before you jump down my throat, I agree that we currently have some major race related issues in this country. Of course, I see those as issues completely differently to what you do, and I have no desire to debate that. As for Seymour, the more I watch of him, the more I see a "player" who is attempting to use this kind of association with Mandela, to play to voter's emotions and suck them into the ACT void. His comments did make him look like a dick. You may disagree and that is your right.

I do not personally know any of these politicians. So all I have to go on, in what I see of them in the media, what I hear them say publicly, and what I see that they have done/achieved over time. I do not like what I see with Seymour. I do not trust him, and I think he and ACT will be a real danger in a NAT/ACT coalition.
‘But before you jump down my throat, I agree that we currently have some major race related issues in this country. Of course, I see those as issues completely differently to what you do, and I have no desire to debate that.’

Of course you don’t. You no doubt see these issues through the exact same lens that the Left purports to see them. And this explains why you trash Seymour and speak of him as seeking to ‘play with voters emotions and suck them into the….’void’’.
Seymour isn’t dog-whistling or ‘race baiting’, he says it exactly as it is: he doesn’t support co-governance, he believes in our democracy and the rule of law & that all New Zealanders should be equal when it comes to voting. He says exactly how he views these matters & many New Zealanders will agree with him. And the Left don’t like it, the Left can’t handle it, so they seek to demonise him and make out people voting for him are somehow being tricked or hoodwinked. People who voted for Labour when ‘co-governance’ was never in their manifesto are the ones who were tricked and hoodwinked.