Quote Originally Posted by ithaka View Post
Prior to the arrival of Europeans, Maoris had a Stone Age culture. Put simply, their most sophisticated tools were made of stone, wood and bone but not pottery. It was not easy to warm water! They had no metallurgy. They had not discovered the wheel or its uses – transport was by foot or afloat. (Do not imagine endless magnificent war canoes; more often humble makeshift rafts). Food was what could be gathered from nature, albeit there was some cultivation of the sweet potato that had arrived with them, in places where it was warm enough to grow. Thus, the menu: dogs, rats, fish, birds, maybe and fern roots, native plants and berries and of course, human flesh: a handy slave girl casually slaughtered if sufficient captives from the last raid on a weaker neighbouring tribe were not available. No mutton, beef, pork, potatoes or corn.

For some reason, it is considered a racial insult to describe their culture as “Stone Age”. However that does not change the facts.
I think a guy like davflaws has probably gone to University and been force-fed for multiple years a narrative that conforms with his confirmation biases. He cannot take any alternate narrative and must deploy this hackneyed term ‘racist’ at the earliest possible opportunity as a standard left wing tactic of cancelling (out) anyone on the other side of the debate.

The extraordinary this is that the genuine racists amongst us are people like Rawiri Waititi who believe that people with maori ethnicity are ‘genetically superior’ to others. I find Waititi to be stupid. I find Waititi to be ignorant. I find Waititi to be racist. People like davflaws and Chipkins can’t - or won’t - see that though.