HI Tommy,

Good question Tommy.

Interestingly; people buy relatively more "impulse buy"-- inexpensive "feel good" products like lollies, tatts lotto tickets,go to the poker machines, smoke more cigarettes,partake of illicit drugs, watch more hired videos,have more sugar cravings and eat more chocolate,ice creams and donuts and caffeine (coffee). etc etc....

This fact has been well documetned and is covered in most Economics text Books, Sociology texts, and Psychology Text Books.

It is also backed up by research and statistics from the last few recessions ....going back ....say 70 years.

IN the Great Depression of the thirties, for example; more people than ever; went to the Horse Races and to Sporting Events.... to watch Don Bradman play cricket; or cheer on their favourite footy team play; even thought the cost of admission might have been seen as "out of bounds'... But in reality, strangely...>>> not so.

It is basic Human nature to "live for the present".

It is along the same "need for escapism" and human psychology lines; as if there is a predicted "end of the world" event or say when Nazi Germany was facing certain defeat in the Second World War, that more drunken abandon all decorum sex orgies became the norm ......

To the extent; when a certain decadence and "live and let live"-- spirit prevails -- might as well have fun "while Rome burns" as the saying goes ....

Kindest Regards,
