SDI Dental (SDI).

My Aunty Madge says...[twice removed}

Remember to consider brushing your teeth; and consider topping up SDI, BEFORE THE END of the month...(and before the rise kicks it up too much more !!)[],

as I've noticed a bit of a healthy rise for about ##10 days or now...

as the SDI...share split should...(IMO)... have a very nice healthy effect on your gums (and bank balance).

SDI is due(IMO) for a strong bit of a Good Solid upward Run; and intrinsically...IMO...SDI...are quite good value, and the market CAN FALL IN love sith SDI, and trade quite high PE's...

Just a thought...

kind regards,

The above comments are not to be taken as financial advice, and are just the whims and personal views of the author. The above comments are also NOT warranted for there veracity, authenticity or reliabiltiy in way.The above comments are said on a "without prejudice" basis, and the author reminds all sharetraders' to alwasy do their own independent research at all times.
kind regards,