I just read that an article by the Washington Post on May 5th 2002... outdated but same principles apply now... pretty grim readings for BB's
these are American figures....in 2000 the balances of 44% of people in the 401k plan were less thatn 10,000...
ranked second was the 10,000-20,000 category at 14% of 401k plan holders...

and retirement wealth of the wealthiest workers nearing retirement actually declined between 1983 and 1998...87 stock market crash...
also...many of older workers have had their 401k plans wipped out when the dotcom boom which lead to the second worst bear market since WW2...
I also read that the big stockmarket bust will begin in 2016, as BB's start withdrawing their assets... could start to see signs in 2012....
in 2016 their are an estimated 2,282,887 Americans turning 70 years old... 30% increase the year later... there are large tax penalities for drawing down on plans before the age of 70.5 years old... so.... 2016 is the mark...

reasons for little contribution to their plans include high taxes, eductaion costs for their children rising, increased cost of living, and workers donot realise how important time is when investing for the long term...

Im out of shares in 2010... a reason for the last 3, 4, 5 years of excellent returns here and in USA, could be put down to BB's and the fact that increased people in the sharemarket leads to increased prices... the good thing for us is that we will start to see the signs early... The BB's will turn 70 over a matter of 20years and if the market moves down in 2010,2011,2012 then get ready for decades of recessions... mark my words... I will still post here in 10 years... dont let me say I told you so...
Quote I just made up "plan for today and tomorrow, not just for today"