Quote Originally Posted by Toddy View Post

What did you think of the update. It certainly sparked some interest in the TPW share price. It was great timing as the report was released on the same day as the Medredian/Mighty Power/Genises financials with market updates etc.

Its been a busy few days for IFT. I cannot see alot stopping Lloyd from being successful with his AIA board seat bid.
Yes the Director's role with AIA interested me. Regarding the report the most interesting thing for me was the value of TPW versus the NZ dollar. I haven't had an in depth read yet though.

I'm pondering topping up on IFT smalltime soon? Which represent better value at this stage? Looking at IFTWB:

IFT - IFTWB exercise price = 3.10 - 1.62 = 1.48 > IFTWB price at the moment.

I've noticed that while before IFTWB's would have a 15c-20c "premium", lately they have been sitting just below their "true" value.

I hear that IFTWC's are overpriced and I haven't really got enough cash to make buying the heads worthwhile...Dilemma lol