First of all hello everyone, ive been reading posts for the past few months and have found them all really helpful on the road to buying my first Investment property.

I have a couple of questions.

First of all, i have read a fair few books on residential Investment property and quite a few warn against negative gearing and negative cashflow. I agree in the fact that you cant have too many investments taking 50-$100 week out of your regular income.

However when i start to run the numbers, i find it very difficuilt to see a property anywhere (im currently looking in Tauranga) that reaveals positive or even a balancing cashflow.

As an example, looking at the estimates from the many different bank websites a 230,000 home less a fairly good deposit of 50,000 ($170,000). The payments per week are around the $300.00 mark. Whereas a 3 bed house in a healthy area of Tauranga averages rent of around $250.000. Thats $50.00 a week behind.

I dont mind too much topping it up with my own finaces as i know a tenant is imporoving my equity by 250.00 ever week (without even adding in the capital gain). Its just that i have seen a lot of reccomendations against it. I thought i would just throw the topic up to see

And finally, i am currently living in Japan and will return to NZ a around a year and a half (supposedly a the start of the down cycle). Would people reccomend entering the world of Investment property a this stage? I have heard people suggest that you should just get yourself in the game regardless of where the cycle is.

Also with this time up my sleeve could anyone reccomend a book or series of books that will help me continue my Education with Investment property (i have done most of Robert K`s stuff)

Also (sorry i have more questions than i though). I have both $80,000 of equity in my current home and $50,000 of cash. What do people suggest as a deposit on a Investment home....both or one or the other?

Thankyou very much
Keep up the interesting posting