SC-Pity the joe kings and mack dunks did not call the looming housing crisis before it happened...
Job only half compete Id say...
SHREWDY the JOE KINGS and the Macdunks have just done that.

Ive learnt so much.... the most important thing that I have learnt is that I CAN NOT afford to MISS the opportunity which is presenting itself to me and will unfold before my eyes with the best buying time in two years time... give or take at this stage...Right now I have two years as it stands... that dream is still alive....

We both know Joe king was selling his housing positions at the best time... I say this because he disclosed it here on this thread... You have not disclosed what you have done... BUt you have said that infamous quote that I cant possibly ignore....and you have said..."the JK's MDs' have done just that",
Its quite cryptic, to me its a late message from you telling us that yes you did start selling, when you told us the exact opposite...
Lets get this straight Mackdunk...
why did you start selling when you told us the exact opposite?
Before I can move on I have to know what you did...
