minimoke-One of the risks to Shrewd Crudes approach is paralysis thorough analysis. That is never actually buying a first home.
...By the time SC has done all the analysis to time the property market right he then has to become a financial markets expert so he can time the interest rate market right. While all this is going on he isn’t enjoying the intangible benefits of being a first home owner.

Rather than all the analysis a person might just work out if they are going to be an owner or a renter. The numbers never really stack up to own your own home from a financial perspective – you do more financially by being a renter. However you don’t get the intangible benefits of owning your own piece of land and having security in location.
With the glut of rentals around now the question should perhaps be : Should I be a first home owner or a first home renter?
Minimoke, if thats the way you feel about me then so be it...
first of all, I am studying to become a financial markets expert, its my future...
Ive not gone overboard on the analysis... Ive kept it very simple for others to understand...
I have not even gone into details, perhaps due to the opposition of me providing it...
The two most important Ideas that we have recently debated
1) dont buy a house because they will keep falling in value, and
2) go floating interest rate because we are on a new cycle

are both givens...absolutely cash in the bank mate...
certainty, no brainer... Its just a wait and see as to if they come true or not and I know Im right... Mackdunk wont even take a bet with me...
I cant believe it someone of your ability (minimoke) would pretty much recommend me buying a house now just so I can enjoy the intangible benefits of it while house values crumble around me... your just trying to be funny eah?

Look mini,
its nothing to do with timing the interest rate cycle (that comes last, perhaps an added bonus only)...
its a mixture of many things in harmony for the best entry time (most profitable outcome).... I will save a decade off my total loan term.... WHAT dont you understand about that...?
Im off for abit, catch you up when I get back...
see you at the national convention, 23rd August Lone Star Riccarton...! check out the appropriate thread for more details...
catch all you buffs in the next round...
In a few years us newbies will be laughing straight to the bank with this...
All of the buffs will all be proven wrong, you just watch me...
its a story in the making...hang around to find out what happens
thank you...bye for now...
