A British man and woman have been jailed for three months for having sex on a beach in Dubai.

Pair faced a maximum of six years behind bars

Vince Acors, 34, and Michelle Palmer, 36, met at an all-you-can-drink champagne brunch just hours before their arrest.
Prosecutors said they were seen having sex on Jumeirah Beach after being dropped off by a taxi in the early hours of July 5.
But Palmer, from Oakham, Rutland,who was sacked from her emirate job as a publishing executive, claimed they were "just kissing and hugging".
The pair, who denied offences of unmarried sex and public indecency, were convicted in their absence at Dubai's Court of First Instance.
Judge Hamdi Abul Kharr fined them 1,000 dirham (around £155) and said they would be deported from the United Arab Emirates after they have served their sentence.
