Halebop-from the RBD thread I was impressed with your returns over the last 2 yrs-I thought that I had done well but nothing like your success-137% and 96%.

Like most I am keen to do better and will try to learn from you.My primary focus is on FA but have added some TA basics over the last yr.(thanks to Phaedrus and others)

I note that your portfolio normally only consists of only 1-3 coys and you currently have none.I agree with you on the fact that money is made when you buy and that this area is crucial.

With this in mind I am interested that you have not bought into any coys during thr recent downturn.What would your thoughts have been on say FBU at $6.00 or NPX at $3.30-$3.40 recently as these would seem to be sound undervalued coys at these levels.

Given your success I am interested in your thoughts.