Hi all

Feedback noted, thanks.

Yes we are more expensive for Australian trades than most Australian brokers. That is because the volumes of trades they receive from their citizens is much larger than we receive from ours. E*Trade puts through more trades in a day on the ASX than the entire number of NZX trades in a month. Broking firms are largely fixed cost scalable businesses so that explains the difference.

However, we are the cheapest in NZ for your purposes. We are a discount broker so you will receive discount choice. So no, we won't let our competitor clip the ticket on interest while you transact through us for the best brokerage rate. We'd like to make some money somewhere, as has been pointed out.

The FX is up to 1.5%. We charge the fairest rate of the day and rarely charge 1.5%, normally about 0.4% as many customers will testify. It is there to ensure we don't lose on volitility.

So Tobo if our honesty disturbs you it is because we are not playing smokes and muirrors. What you see is what you get. Nothing hidden. If you want more you will have to pay more. Our promise remains the cheapest brokerage in NZ.